Phaneroo Devotion

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One of the ironies of life is in how God uses the least expected people to save men. The gifts
Learn to ask God why a particular person is part of your world. God knows why your paths crossed. Without
The Spirit of sacrifice is not based on half-hearted giving but giving wholly.
It is not enough to have divine encounters and experiences. God must teach you what to say and how to
Our assignments and mandates are not about us and what we can do for God but about Him and what
What you ask for in the presence of greatness is extremely important. Do not ask for things money can buy.
To mature in your relationship with God, it is required that you grow in the anointing within and that without.
You must refuse the labels that make you predictable and which dictate that you can only grow at a specific predetermined
When a man functions under the power of the Spirit, he cannot help but be fruitful. By His inherent nature,
Powerless churches have no place in the years to come. As the church, we must believe God for what the
Experiences from God minister faith and never fear.
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