Phaneroo Devotion

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Praying effectively requires that one connects to heavenly realities before relating with earthly facts.
You must learn to be alone with God. There have to be moments in your day when social media, friends
The closet need not be merely physical; it is a consciousness of God’s presence in any place and at any
Every time you are in the presence of God, honour Him. Treat Him with the reverence that He deserves. That
The Holy Spirit will teach you how to serve God but remain connected to Him daily; He will give you
Nothing, even what we do by way of service in the gospel, should substitute the necessity for personal fellowship with
Preparation is very important to God and when we abuse the opportunities that preparation avails for our growth and maturity,
When we humble ourselves, it gives God the opportunity to work in us. Pride has a way of hiding in
When we heal by grace, we always get it right. When we build ministry by grace, we always get it
Depending on our levels of maturity, our liberties in God have boundaries and these boundaries are defined by how well
You must exercise yourself to function in all the five senses because nothing activates the anointing like a man operating
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