Phaneroo Devotion

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In the wilderness, instead of seeking a breakthrough, focus instead on seeking wisdom and understanding. Wisdom can redeem thirty years
In the kingdom of God, we are as powerful as we are humble. 
A man will always have a limit to what he can achieve. His efforts are subject to constant failure and
God does not put new wine into old wineskins. One cannot expect God to anoint them to change the world
God does not give responsibilities based on our qualifications. He gives responsibilities based on the state of a person’s heart.
The protection of a nation is not in the skill of its army and the greatness of its military weapons,
Divine curiosity is the reason why we take time to ponder and meditate on our spiritual experiences. You must understand
When we say we love the truth, it means that we are ready to rise to any occasion in which
To love the truth is to respect the Word and do as it says as the fountain of all life’s
Those that do not love, do not know God. Always remember that there are things that love cannot do. Regardless
Death is the place of agreement. Every time you make the choice to agree with God, you die to yourself
Death is the place of agreement. Every time you make the choice to agree with God, you die to yourself
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