Phaneroo Devotion

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The primary pillar of wisdom is purity of spirit. This purity is the lenses through which we see God.
The primary pillar of wisdom is purity of spirit. This purity is the lenses through which we see God.
Every child of God has the power and authority to command his or her days. Take charge of your life.
Every child of God has the power and authority to command his or her days. Take charge of your life.
As a child of God, you must have the wisdom to discern godly delay and ungodly delay. If delay is
God is the God of Now. Dare to believe God for a breakthrough now! Dare to believe God for your
Delay is irksome to the spirit of God: it irritates Him and He cannot abide it. If this is God's
Destiny is time-bound. A godly destiny is that which is in perfect sync with God's time. This is your portion
Embrace prayer as a revelation and not merely as a duty. Seek to grow past the place of need. Pursue
Refuse to be the devil's constant victim. Refuse to be on his "torture list". Refuse to suffer for a year,
When you are submerged under the waters of the spirit for long, that same depth, having saturated your entire being
When you are submerged under the waters of the spirit for long, that same depth, having saturated your entire being
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