Phaneroo Devotion

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When God purposes a thing, He does so under a particular law that He has set. If you learn to
There is nothing in this world a believer will ever need that God has not made ready. For your part,
When your preparation is incubated in the womb of divine wisdom, no opportunity can ever be aborted. 
Success is not by mistake. Any man who succeeds by mistake will also fail by mistake. If you succeed by
Because we are playing for high stakes, we do not have the choice to settle for less than God's best
The greatest liberty of the new birth is the glory of access.
Often, God inspires us in the most unspectacular ways. But He requires us to lean in even to the slightest
The Holy Spirit is our first helper. No other destiny helper can take His place.
For a true seeker, may your quest never be for revelational insight alone. Seek the wisdom and experience of revelation
How you treat the people who contribute to your success can determine whether you will go higher or retain the
To live above envy and jealousy, you must understand who you are in God and what has been freely given
Be diligent, consistent and reliable while handling what belongs to another man. If you serve right, understand that it is
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