Phaneroo Devotion

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You must understand this one infallible truth: for everything you give to God, there will always be someone who needs
God does not reward faithfulness by simply giving you more of what He trusted you with, He rewards faithfulness by
No man can find his destiny in God without understanding the transaction that puts him out of the picture and
Legacies are not built by the things we acquire as possessions but by the marks we leave in the lives
As a child of God, you must reconcile pleasure with divine purpose. True pleasure is to be found in the
God requires your heart because when you give your heart, you give everything. He does not need your money, your
It was an infallible spiritual fact that it was not possible that Christ could be held by death. This same
God will allow into your life people who will test you in extreme ways. They will test the limits of
To build a man, God starts with that man's heart before He builds the things on the outside.
A man who knows God or wants to know Him enters God’s presence with his heart and not a list
When in the presence of God, our silence gives the Holy Spirit the opportunity to teach us.
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