Phaneroo Devotion

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When God said in His Word that He had set before you life and death and asked you to choose
If a man does not know who he is, he will inevitably be robbed of his true potential. You must
The scriptures are Spirit-breathed. The Spirit is intimately acquainted with every verse, line and precept. He knows which truths lie
The Holy Spirit has a 360 degree view of any circumstance that you are struggling with. Only He can give
In any area of ministry, be conscious of the fact that the Spirit is on standby, ready to lead and
In knowing the Spirit as a Person, we ought to be conscious of how He feels about our decisions, attitudes
If you desire to build and deepen your relationship with the Spirit of God, it is very important that you
When believers come together to pray in unison, they must come full of the experiences they received while in their
Even when you have people you pray with, be it friends or a spouse, you must have personal alone time
In prayer, always remember that God is not interested in the semantics but in the heart that prays. Be as
There is a difference between talking WITH God and talking TO God. In prayer, you must remember that God wants
Consistency in prayer is not a question of how much free time a person may or may not have, it
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