Phaneroo Devotion

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Every time you sit before the Word, honour the Word as you would the very person and essence of God.
The Lord is a God of principles. His principles define the hows of life: how to grow in ministry, how
Every time you seek to manifest certain realities from the realm of the spirit to the physical realm, either by
Every time you seek to manifest certain realities from the realm of the spirit to the physical realm, either by
Sometimes, if you must deal with unbelief, it is prudent to spend time in prayer and fasting. That way, you
God does not want you to know more about demons, He wants you to know more about Him. The more
Prayer has an audience of one. God alone is the sole focus of true prayer.
Prayers are not darts that we throw into the spiritual realm and hope for answers. A true man of prayer
You must examine your life of prayer and question the things you do, for they may be traditions and the
There is a spiritual explanation for every circumstance that happens in the physical realm. In asking spiritual questions, you understand
A true warrior of the faith must be able to look past the veils of the physical realm to the
In spiritual warfare, the first thing we must connect to is truth. Knowing the truth in prayer is what avails
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