Of Sowing To The Flesh Or To The Spirit

Apostle Grace Lubega

Galatians 6:8(KJV); For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

It is a law of the Spirit that every time you sow to the flesh, you reap corruption and every time you sow to the Spirit, you reap life everlasting.

To sow to the flesh is to be conscious of your fleshly nature thereby responding to its dictates.

To sow to the Spirit is to be conscious of who you are in the spirit.

The principles of seed time and harvest (Genesis 8:22) are continuously in operation; you are constantly sowing and as long as the earth remains, you will reap what you sow.

So you ought to ask yourself the very vital question, ‘What am I sowing? What is your response to adversity, to bad news and to things that threaten your comfortable life?’

How do you live your life on a daily basis? Do you walk with the absolute knowledge that He that is in you is greater than he that is in the world or do you crumble at the challenges that life throws at you?

Do you wake up every day knowing that you are not alone and that God is more than ready to start on the journey with you or do you moan and wonder whether you will make it through the day? Do you laugh in the face of the enemy when he uses his tricks to strike at your faith or do you huddle in a corner and whine about the unfairness of life?

On a daily basis and in every moment of our lives, we are presented with opportunities to stand out as children of God or to be subject to the human nature and the weakness of the flesh.

Choose to respond as the God begotten spirit being that you are.

FURTHER STUDY: 2 Peter 1:3, John 1:13


On a daily basis and in every moment of our lives, we are presented with opportunities to stand out as children of God or to be subject to the human nature and the weakness of the flesh. Choose to respond as the God begotten spirit being that you are.

PRAYER: Father God, I stand in the absolute confidence that I am born of God, not of blood or the will of man. I embrace my nature and walk in that consciousness every day. I respond in that consciousness to everything around me. I live my life in this understanding. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Posted in: Phaneroo Devotion

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