Phaneroo Devotion

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Pray to know God. When any blessings are added to your life, it is because they found you in Him,
God makes a way through His instructions to us. This is why you need the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is in the business of TEACHING us what to say. This is one of the ways He
You must live a life where the Lord always has the first Word. If His Word is first, it is
God is bigger than all the ‘justifiable’ reasons for failure. There is no obstacle He cannot surmount.
The manifestation of your deliverance may take hours, a day, a month, or even a year. That delay is temporary
Our victories are a trumpet sound to the nations that God is mighty, He heals, strengthens, revives, builds, uplifts the
Build the consciousness that the light is in you, and it dispels all darkness. You cannot be sick, struggle with
In His infinite wisdom, God will never allow you to face a situation that you cannot defeat. Understand that you
Never stake your victory on the story of another person. Faith is personal. Choose to believe because this is YOUR
There is nothing you will ever go through in this life that someone in this world has not gone through.
What are you facing today? God is putting a permanent end to it! Some doors have been open for too
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