Archive for Prophetic Voices

The Wisdom To Be Quickened

[Isaiah 61:9]; And their seed shall be known among the Gentiles, and their offspring among the people: all that see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the seed which the LORD hath blessed.

God is quickening us. Some of you are going to get jobs that pay three or four times your current salary. Some of you are going to start receiving plots of land for free, houses for free.

I have seen people literally passing on houses for free. I have seen things that I personally look back at and wonder.
God is going to quicken you. Just say, ‘I receive it, it’s mine.’ Every time you wake up in the morning, say this is my year. I am walking in a quickening grace in the name of Jesus. It is happening in my family. It is happening in my Job, in my business and every where I go in the name of Jesus.

Some of you are going to see these things happen in people’s lives and you are going to be very amazed.
People have been delayed for long but God has started to release some thing for his children. It is going to happen. Just receive it individually.
If you have been out of a job for 15 years, God is going to give you a job that will pay you a salary worth 15 years of work. Take it.

If you have been out of business for months, you are going yo receive a job that is going to pay you the money that you lost. Things are going to come easy for you. The bible says that the spirit quickens. [John 6:63]

There are people who have had ideas for so long seated on their tables and they need funding but had not seen any funding coming up. God says that he is going to send men to fund the ideas. He is going to send men to fund your projects. People are going to agree with you. People are going to realize that this can happen to every believer.
God is raising the church to another level. The days of begging men have come to an end. The days of pleading with people to help you have come to an end. The days of knocking on men’s doors and calling people who do not want to answer your calls have come to an end. The days of sleeping under houses you are not comfortable sleeping under have come to an end.

God is going to make a way where there seems to be no way. When there is a casting down, we say there is a lifting up. We decree and declare that we are triumphing. We are experiencing a quickening in this season, in our lives and in our families.

Kings are coming to your rising in the name of Jesus. Doors are going to open in the name of Jesus.

People are going to promote you for no good reason. Even though there will be better candidates for a job, you will be selected. There will be better companies to do business with but they will pick yours. There will be better people to work with but they will pick you because the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all. [Ecclesiastes 9:11]

This is the time when the Lord quickens us. If miracles have happened for us in ministry, you are going to see miracles at your workplace and in your personal lives because he is a faithful God.

If you have ever seen a broken bone coming to order in a meeting, that is what is going to happen in your family. If you have ever seen a blind eye open, that is what is going to happen in you life. It is your story.

Nobody can slow you. You are far

away from witchcraft. You are far away from fear.
Some of you have things you have been trying to do for so long. Even when you get money, it appears like nothing is moving but that is changing.
If you have an unfinished house, it will be finished. If you want to pay for a certain plot of land, you are going to get the money and pay for In the name of Jesus.
If there is something you have been longing to see in ministry, it is going to come. This is our season, our chance and our time.

Because many things are going to happen in the country, we decree and declare that it is well with us. It is well with our families. It is well with our jobs.

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Prophecy concerning the country

We need to pray for our country. A lot is happening. Some spirits want to bring war. We need to lift our nation in prayer especially for next year.

I have seen riots. I have also seen a certain spirit of madness on some individuals. I have seen a few of our leaders with serious health issues but it is something that the Lord is revealing for us to redeem. It is not something we celebrate, that we said and it happened but it is something that we want to celebrate over if God will keep our own, our property and the people he has ordained to lead our nation.
I will probably give you some details in the future but for now, every time you go on your knees pray for Uganda.

Apostle Grace Lubega: on 17th Sept 2015.

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