The Mystery of His Will
[Ephesians 1:9]; Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself.
I often hear Christians say, ‘let us seek God for his will’. No, he has made known to you his will. So you might ask, ‘how do I know that she is my wife?’ You know. In fact, when you ask most married people how they knew that he/she was the one, they always say,’ I just knew.’ You just know. When you get to that job or piece of land and it is yours, you will know; you know what is yours. You are not believing to know God’s will; he has made it known to you by Sophia. How can you not know what to do? You know.
Sometimes there are men who want you to think that you do not know what you are doing. No. I know what I am doing. It is not pride; I know! I know where I am going. Que sera sera whatever will be, will be was a nursery rhyme. We are past the level of nursery school children. I know what I will be because he made known unto us the mystery of his will.
If somebody asks me, ‘how do you know?’ The answer is simple. The Bible says in Philippians 4:8-9 MSG; Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies.
Act like It
God is working me! When I was in my second year of campus, I meditated Phaneroo. I used to see the people gathering by the thousands. In my first days of preaching, I used to tell the congregation to greet those in America that are listening to us. I could tell the choir, ‘sing for me this song’, and to the pianist, ‘turn up the volume of the piano.’
Sit in a mobile money kiosk like you are seated in a super market. Count thirty thousand shillings like you are counting dollars. When your grandmother says that you will never get married, on that very day, buy a gown and high heels and model about. Whatsoever things are lovely, think on these things. That is why the bible says, if you are serious about living this new resurrection life in Christ, act like it. You will see how God will answer you; he will work you into his most excellent harmony.
I used to speak to mirrors. I would look at my reflection and thank myself for preaching the gospel, and then say, ‘glory to God.’ I used to tell myself that I am the deepest preacher on earth. That vacuum is big enough for all of us.
What are you thinking? I think you are a success; I think you are blessed; I think you are big; I think you are anointed; I think you are multiplying; I think you cannot be slowed down; I think of you as restored.
I decree it upon your life; that you know the will of God concerning your life; that you think only good things; the perfect and the best; no curse; only blessing; your children are going to shake this world; they shall be for signs; they shall be for wonders; they shall be potents; in every nation you will step, you will be another story; in every district you will go, you will be above and not beneath; you are a head and not a tail; you can do all things by Christ who strengthens you; great is he that is in you than the devil in the world; the lines have fallen unto you in pleasant places, you have a goodly heritage, you cannot fail; your end is of the lord. There are people who said, think and assume that your end is of men but I decree upon your life that you are about to disprove them; you are about to surprise them; in the name of Jesus.
Posted in: Phaneroo sermon
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