Phaneroo Devotion

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Never fight a habit by trying, in your own strength, not to do it. Allow God to make Himself your
There is nothing you will ever do that will cause God to turn away from you. No sin is too
God understands what it feels like to be caught up in those low or wretched moments. Rejection does not mean
When God deals with men of faith, He takes them away from anything they may rely on in the flesh;
When a man pitches a tent, it is a statement to the realm of the spirit that his present situation
God has called you to be a pattern. Everything about your life can become an instruction. A life divinely lived
With every pattern of scripture is a revelation of the heart and wisdom of God pertaining to the maturation of
The devil can fight hard, but he cannot fight for long
Kidron moments may come, but it is important to remember that they are not there to stay. God is with
The guarantee that joy will come is when you receive the revelation of the Word of God concerning your situation. 
Regardless of what you are facing, live with this blessed assurance, joy comes. Yes, you may be in pain but
Embrace knowledge and revelation with gladness and joy because it deepens and strengthens your understanding of Christ the Foundation.
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