Phaneroo Devotion

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Your heart must be open to the pruning of the Lord. You must have wisdom to recognise that some things
Abiding in God and allowing His words to abide causes the synchronicities of the Spirit to work in your favour.
The life we have been called to is a life of faith. People of faith never get desperate.
The life we have been called to is a life of faith. People of faith never get desperate.
Live a life where God is the first point of counsel. Let your decisions be God-decisions because the God that
Sometimes God’s silence is not because He has not instructed us on a matter but because He has spoken before
Sometimes delays are because we did not conceive instructions the first time they are spoken. God does not have to
Every time God speaks to you, ask for the wisdom and grace to fully interpret His instructions concerning your destiny.
God has not called us to be great talkers, He has called us to be great demonstrators of His power
God has not called you to the kind of faith built on the wisdom of men. He has called you
Faith is personal. It is not enough to know what God can do, you must also understand that He can
Faith is personal. It is not enough to know what God can do, you must also understand that He can
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