Delivered by Knowledge About Giving
As a christian, I knew about giving, tithe and offertory, a little. However, I later discovered that it was just head knowledge without revelation whatsoever!
With this knowledge, I always saw myself as one who did not have enough. In my mind I always lacked and because of this, when I would come to church I would “tip” God, I used to just give him some little change here and there.
In mind I had the conscience that if I gave more I would lack.
Because according to me, honestly I would do the maths , put all my needs and wants, then tithe, offertory, giving partnership, siblings, family, etc and it couldn’t total up. I always fell short. So I could not give God.
But during Phaneroo episode 69 where Apostle Grace preached the sermon titled, God or Mammon, he made a statement that DELIVERED ME!
Just one statement and he qualified it with scripture. He said, ” The main reason Christians don’t give is because they fear they are going to lack”
He had me; its like God had told him about me!
I pondered and meditated over that statement and it was so true in my case.
And he proceeded to say, “who told you that you will lack?”; ” is it God?, surely not!”
That day, I returned home asking myself, ” Joshua Ndugga, who told you that if you give, that if you partner you will lack”?
God dealt with me during that service and deep down in me I knew my *day of deliverance had come!
I immediately believed God’s word! . I lost the* consciousness that I can ever lack.
From that day, I have been giving in ways I myself get shocked at; I give in absolute freedom and assurance that I cannot lack because God’s word says exactly that.
And God has been extremely faithful!
He enables me to bless people in ways I never imagined! This has opened up people’s hearts to me and I end up preaching Jesus to them and winning souls to Christ.
I have SEEN INCREASE in my finances (salary and business), revelation, knowledge of God and the demonstration of his power. These are things I did not think I could ever attain.
Glory to God! I am thankful to God for the ministry of Apostle Grace and Phaneroo.
Joshua Ndugga
Your victory is our story. Send us your testimony at [email protected] or contact us on +256702139686, +256701039331
Posted in: Healing Chronicles
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