Mental Oppression For 5 Years
For 5 years, I suffered continuous mental problems. I was prone to tactile hallucinations where I would often feel things like insects moving in my head. I could barely keep focused when this happened and very rarely slept peacefully.
This affected my relationships.
I was always running away from home and my personal work suffered tremendously.
On Saturday 12th August, 2017, I attended the 3rd Phaneroo Anniversary celebrations. I was expectant for a solution and end to my misery.
During the service, Apostle Grace prayed for the sick, proclaiming healing of different conditions. Immediately I started to feel relief in my mind and from that day forward my mind was totally restored.
I began to sleep peacefully and stopped running away from home.
I also went on to start my own brick making business.
After many years of oppression and being restored, I give all the praise and glory back to God.
Muyomba Boaz
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Posted in: Healing Chronicles
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