Healed of 14-year Old Nose Bleeding Issue
For 14 years I suffered with the problem of nose bleeding. It was so uncomfortable as, I experienced episodes on a daily basis. I had trusted that God would deliver me from the issue someday.
Indeed, as I went for the 2017 Women of Purpose conference at Hilton Hotel in Boston, I was very expectant for my healing.
At the conference , Apostle Grace Lubega who was the invited speaker, as he was praying for people, spoke a word of knowledge about someone on his left-hand side , who had the issue and asked that they go forward for prayer. Although I was on the right-hand side, I went forward to receive.
Since that day, I have not had a single episode of the bleeding. I AM COMPLETELY HEALED!
I give praise to God!
Joy Kanyike
Posted in: Healing Chronicles
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