Kidney Issue sorted
For about 6 months, I had pain on the right side of my stomach. In the same period, I also suffered with partial ulcers which caused a burning pain in the upper part of the stomach.
On 16th of September 2016, I visited Grace Church in Ntinda, Kampala where Apostle Grace was invited to minister. Towards the end of service, as Apostle was praying, he received a word of knowledge and said, “there is a lady here who has been having pain in the right side of her stomach, you have not checked but it is actually a kidney issue. I need to pray for you now!”
When I went forth, he laid hands on me and blew over me. I fell under the power of the Holy Spirit. Suddenly I felt an emptiness in my stomach as if something heavy had been taken out, followed by a burning sensation, and then ALL PAIN LEFT! Since then, I DO NOT EXPERIENCE ANY OF THOSE PAINS! Glory God!
Judith Nankunda
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Posted in: Healing Chronicles
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