Healed of chronic pain in collar bones after 10 Years
I had a chronic pain in my collar bones since 2005 and this would sometimes progress into pain in my chest.
In 2008, I developed ulcers which were characterized by epigastric discomforts. Eventually, I started to experience intermittent strong pains from my chest to the stomach. These would sometimes last for a few hours, days and sometimes even a month.
On the 21st April 2016 while attending Phaneroo fellowship , I had an episode; I was in so much pain that I could not stand the sound of the speakers at the front, where I normally like to sit !
At the end of the service that day, I went to the front to seek prayer for healing. The pastor laid hands on me and prayed for me. The pain I had been feeling reduced at that instant, and then COMPLETELY LEFT after a short while. I AM NOW COMPLETELY FINE. Praise the Lord!
Jenny Dickens.
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Posted in: Healing Chronicles
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