Phaneroo Devotion

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Let your dream be above understanding the liberties of the spirit. let it be your submission to what God sees,
When the Bible says that love edifies, it means that God wants us to yield to that love that seeks
When the land is good to you, it defends your ownership of the things you possess, favours your creations and
Your testimony should not be eroded by the sands of time. That is why God wants us to move from
Heaven has a calendar; Be keen enough to inquire from God about when you ought to take your next step,
One of the most awakening secrets of the realm of spirits is the fact that God weighs our hearts. In
Grace is what will draw many people to receive from you because of the uniqueness of your testimony. As Christ
Christ represents the heart of the Father. When He is advocating for us, we are at full advantage.
When someone pleads the blood, they claim the right to having been completely released, delivered and set free by what
God's mind on predestination is that goodness is the inevitable end of everything that happens to a man who is
The covenant we have with God as His children extends to how creation perceives and responds to us. You must
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