Phaneroo Devotion

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The spirit realm does not treat with seriousness the words and actions of the slothful because this attitude robs them
All things are possible to him that believes. Expand the horizons of what you define as possible.
The anointing sets you apart from all your companions. You are not ordinary or to be lumped together with your
As a minister of the gospel, allow the giver to hear God and bless you instead of hearing for them
Never seek to gain from the hand of any man or woman you help. God does not need them to
No one can ever pay you enough for what God has placed upon your life. Never sell your gift. Use
You must have a volunteering heart and spirit. There should be people in this life you bless without expecting anything
Sometimes, the little in your hands has the capacity to open the biggest doors. Don't look at what you have
God does not expect you to receive from every hand.
Giving to God should never be based on how much one has but how God has convicted them to give.
One of the main reasons people abuse the gifts (people) that God has placed in their lives is because they
One of the ironies of life is in how God uses the least expected people to save men. The gifts
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