Archive for Phaneroo Devotion

Why We Preach The Grace: Labouring Grace

Why We Preach The Grace: Labouring Grace
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Apostle Grace Lubega

2 Corinthians 6:1 (KJV); We then, as workers together with him, beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain.

It is possible to receive the grace of God in vain. This happens because of little or no understanding of the scriptures.

In the grace dispensation, there are some that have the misconception that all hard work is legalistic.
That is not so, not all hard work is legal.

Because of this misconception, some don’t want to work at jobs or study hard in schools because they are “under grace.”

Some think that when you receive the grace, you simply sit back and wait for things to fall into place; for a job to find you lazing around in your bed or for miracle money to fall from the sky without the principles of divine providence, because the man of God prophesied wealth concerning your life.

That is what our theme scripture calls receiving the grace in vain.

Don’t assume that you can flout the principles of success and expect everything to come to you on a silver platter simply because you received the grace of God.

Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15:10; But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.

People who understand the grace ought to be the hardest workers; the best performers in their workplaces and the most brilliant students, because the grace of God is divine enablement, and labours in you. Hallelujah!

FURTHER STUDY: 1 Corinthians 15:10, Proverbs 22:29


The grace of God is divine enablement, and labours in you.

PRAYER: Father, I thank you for this word. I have not received the grace in vain. It labours mightily in me to do over and above any human expectations. I yield to its working in me and by it, I over deliver, over perform and supercede any set targets whether in my career, business or in school. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Apôtre Grace Lubega


2 Corinthiens 6:1 (KJV) Puisque nous travaillons avec Dieu, nous vous exhortons à ne pas recevoir la grâce de Dieu en vain.

Il est possible de recevoir la grâce de Dieu en vain. Cela arrive à cause de peu ou pas de compréhension des écritures.

Dans la dispensation de la grâce, il y en a qui ont la fausse idée que tout travail acharné est légaliste.
Ce n’est pas le cas, tous les efforts ne sont pas légaux.

En raison de cette idée fausse, certains ne veulent pas travailler ou étudier dur dans les écoles parce qu’ils sont « sous la grâce ».

Certains pensent que lorsque vous recevez la grâce, vous vous asseyez simplement et attendez que les choses tombent en place ; pour un travail de vous trouver paresseux dans votre lit ou pour l’argent miracle de tomber du ciel sans les principes de la providence divine, parce que l’homme de Dieu a prophétisé la richesse concernant votre vie.

C’est ce que notre écriture appelle la réception de la grâce en vain.

Ne présumez pas que vous pouvez bafouer les principes du succès et espérer que tout viendra à vous sur un plateau d’argent simplement parce que vous avez reçu la grâce de Dieu.

Paul a dit dans 1 Corinthiens 15:10 : Mais par la grâce de Dieu je suis ce que je suis ; et sa grâce qui m’a été accordée n’a pas été vaine ; mais je travaillais plus abondamment que tous, et non moi, mais la grâce de Dieu qui était avec moi.

Les gens qui comprennent la grâce devraient être les travailleurs les plus durs ; les meilleurs interprètes dans leurs lieux de travail et les étudiants les plus brillants, parce que la grâce de Dieu est l’habilitation divine, et travaille en vous. Alléluia !

ÉTUDE COMPLÉMENTAIRE : 1 Corinthiens 15:10, Proverbes 22:29

PÉPITE D’OR : la grâce de Dieu est l’habilitation divine, et travaille en vous.

PRIERE: Père, je te remercie pour cette parole. Je n’ai pas reçu la grâce en vain. Il travaille puissamment en moi pour faire au-delà de toute attente humaine. Je cède à son travail en moi et par lui, je sur-délivre, sur-performe et surpasser toutes les cibles fixées, que ce soit dans ma carrière, mes affaires ou à l’école. Au nom de Jésus. Amen.

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The Death of the Flesh

The Death of the Flesh
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Apostle Grace Lubega

Psalms 103:15-16 (KJV); As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth. For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more.


In our theme scripture, the grass represents man in the flesh, the wind is the Holy Spirit.

In a deeper understanding, this is an experience where the Spirit blows over flesh and the flesh is no more.

In this experience, the Spirit of God kills the flesh and any testimony of it.

When a man has this experience, he like Paul is dead, yet he lives yet not him but Christ lives in him (Galatians 2:20).

He starts to number his days (Psalms 90:12). He ceases to look at life from the perspective of the passage of years on the earth because in essence he is a dead man living.

He defines days by the Spirit and by the milestones that God has set along the course of his destiny.

To such a man, it is not a big deal that he will live up to a hundred.

Rather, what counts is that in the years he lived, he followed every milestone set by God for him to run his course. Hallelujah!

FURTHER STUDY: Psalms 90:12, 1 Peter 1:24-25

When a man receives the experience of death, he starts to number his days.

PRAYER: Father, I thank you for this word. I yield to the work of your Spirit. He kills every testimony of flesh and makes me alive by the Spirit. I walk in this true experience of spiritual death. It is not I who lives but Christ lives in me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Apôtre Grace Lubega


Psaumes 103:15-16 (KJV) L’homme! ses jours sont comme l’herbe, Il fleurit comme la fleur des champs. 16Lorsqu’un vent passe sur elle, elle n’est plus, Et le lieu qu’elle occupait ne la reconnaît plus.

Dans notre écriture, l’herbe représente l’homme dans la chair, le vent est le Saint-Esprit.

Dans une compréhension plus profonde, c’est une expérience où l’Esprit souffle sur la chair et la chair n’est plus.

Dans cette expérience, l’Esprit de Dieu tue la chair et tout témoignage de celle-ci.

Quand un homme a cette expérience, il pense que Paul est mort, mais il ne vit pas encore mais Christ vit en lui (Galates 2:10).

Il commence à compter ses jours (Psaumes 90:12).
Il cesse de regarder la vie du point de vue du passage des années sur la terre car en essence il est un homme mort vivant.

Il définit les jours par l’Esprit et par les étapes que Dieu a fixé le long de son destin.

Pour un tel homme, ce n’est pas un gros problème qu’il vivra jusqu’à cent ans.

Au contraire, ce qui compte c’est que dans les années qu’il a vécu, il a suivi toutes les étapes établies par Dieu pour qu’il puisse suivre son parcours. Alléluia !

ÉTUDE COMPLÉMENTAIRE : Psaumes 90:12, 1 Pierre 1:24-25

PÉPITE D’OR : Quand un homme reçoit l’expérience de la mort, il commence à compter ses jours.

PRIÈRE : Père, je te remercie pour cette parole. Je cède au travail de ton Esprit. Il tue tout témoignage de chair et me rend vivant par l’Esprit. Je marche dans cette véritable expérience de la mort spirituelle. Ce n’est pas moi qui vis mais Christ vit en moi. Au nom de Jésus. Amen.

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Of Eternal Rewards

Of Eternal Rewards

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Apostle Grace Lubega

Matthew 25:21(KJV); His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

With regard to eternal destiny, some Christians’ aspiration is as simple as, only getting to heaven.

To them, it is enough for their eternal destiny if they will only be “door keepers” in heaven.

The result of this mind-set is that people invest heavily in their life on the earth and neglect the need to invest in eternity; they sow to the flesh and scarcely to the spirit.

This attitude is of them that are deceived regarding the life in eternity.

While on the earth, we are eternal beings existent in a TIME MATRIX. When we leave the earth, we are still eternal beings but existent in a TIME LESS MATRIX.

Eternity has ranks too. The reward at the end of each man’s race also differs.

When Paul says, “I have finished my course…” (2 Timothy 4:7). The question to you child of God is, what have you started? What is your purpose on the earth? Jesus, at the age of thirty three said he had finished (John 19:30).

At the end of your earthly life, will you also be in position to say ‘I have run my race and i have finished my course?’ or are you simply going through life?

What did these men see about eternal destiny that many of us do not see today?

Eternal life starts on the earth. More importantly, life does not end when you die. That is why it is important to invest in eternity.

FURTHER STUDY: Hebrews 12:1-2, 2 Timothy 4:7


Life does not end when you die. That is why it is important to invest in eternity.

PRAYER: Father, I thank you for this knowledge. My eyes are set on the course and the race that you have set before me. I look to eternal things because they are more real and important than what I can ever experience on the earth. I look to eternal reward and diligently invest in eternity. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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Apôtre Grace Lubega


Matthieu 25:21 (KJV) Son maître lui dit : C’est bien, bon et fidèle serviteur; tu as été fidèle en peu de chose, je te confierai beaucoup ; entre dans la joie de ton maître.

En ce qui concerne le destin éternel, l’aspiration de certains Chrétiens est aussi simple que d’arriver au ciel.

Pour eux, c’est suffisant pour leur destin éternel s’ils ne seront que des « portiers » au ciel.

Le résultat de cette mentalité est que les gens investissent lourdement dans leur vie sur la terre et négligent la nécessité d’investir dans l’éternité ; ils sèment à la chair et à peine à l’esprit.

Cette attitude est d’eux qui sont trompés en ce qui concerne la vie dans l’éternité.

Alors que sur la terre, nous sommes des êtres éternels existant dans une MATRICE TEMPORELLE. Quand nous quittons la terre, nous sommes toujours des êtres éternels mais existant dans un TEMPS MOINS MATRICIEL.

L’éternité a aussi des rangs. La récompense à la fin du parcours de chaque homme diffère également.

Quand Paul dit : « J’ai fini mon parcours… » (2 Timothée 4:7). La question à vous enfant de Dieu est, qu’avez-vous commencé ? Quel est votre but sur la terre ? Jésus, à l’âge de trente-trois ans, a dit qu’il avait fini (Jean 19:30).

À la fin de votre vie terrestre, serez-vous également en mesure de dire « J’ai couru mon parcours et j’ai terminé ma course ? » Ou traversez-vous simplement la vie ?

Qu’est-ce que ces hommes ont vu au sujet du destin éternel que beaucoup d’entre nous ne voient pas aujourd’hui ?

La vie éternelle commence sur la terre. Plus important encore, la vie ne finit pas quand vous mourrez. C’est pourquoi il est important d’investir dans l’éternité.

ÉTUDE COMPLÉMENTAIRE : Hébreux 12:1-2, 2 Timothée 4:7

PÉPITE D’OR : La vie ne finit pas quand vous mourrez. C’est pourquoi il est important d’investir dans l’éternité.

PRIÈRE : Père, je te remercie pour cette connaissance. Mes yeux sont fixés sur le parcours et la course que tu as mis devant moi. Je regarde les choses éternelles parce qu’elles sont plus réelles et importantes que ce que je peux éprouver sur la terre. Je regarde vers la récompense éternelle et investis diligemment dans l’éternité. Au nom de Jésus. Amen.



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Lessons in Virtue – The Marriage Equation

Lessons in Virtue – The Marriage Equation

Apostle Grace Lubega

Ephesians 5:22-25 (KJV); Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

The husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the Church.

The Bible requires that the wife submit herself to her husband even as unto the Lord.

What this means is, the same way that a woman respects the Lord Jesus is the same way she ought to respect her husband; the same way she addresses the Lord Jesus (with utmost honour and humility in acknowledgement of His Lordship over her life) is the same way that she ought to address her husband.

A woman cannot claim humility in prayer and not have a place of humility before her husband.

On the other hand, husbands ought to love their wives like Christ loved the Church.

This means that regardless of what she does, he must be prepared to forgive and cherish her. This love is unconditional.

As a husband, because you love like Christ, what Christ can never do to the church, you can never do to your wife; what Christ does for the church, you ought to do for your wife.

FURTHER STUDY: 1 Peter 3:7, Proverbs 31:12


The same way that a woman respects the Lord Jesus is the same way she ought to respect her husband; the same way she addresses the Lord Jesus (with utmost honour and humility in acknowledgement of His Lordship over her life) is the same way that she ought to address her husband. In the same way, as a husband, because you love like Christ, what Christ can never do the church, you can never do to your wife; what Christ does for the church, you ought to do for your wife.

PRAYER: Thank you Lord for this great knowledge. I submit myself to this wisdom, to look to you as the centre of my marriage and the pattern by which I love and honour my spouse. My marriage is a success, a testimony of blessing. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Prove Your Own Work

Prove Your Own Work

Apostle Grace Lubega

Galatians 6:4 (AMP); But let every person carefully scrutinize and examine and test his own conduct and his own work. He can then have the personal satisfaction and joy of doing something commendable [in itself alone] without [resorting to] boastful comparison with his neighbor.

In this life of the gospel, it is important that you do not seek to “set sail by another man’s star” because when he changes direction, you will lose your light at sea.

That is why the scriptures require every Christian to prove his or her own work.

You are not “deep” because you attend a church where the depth of the scriptures are taught.

You are not free from demonic attack only because of the man of God to whom you submit.

Granted, there are things that spiritual covering protects you from. However, you ought to appreciate that victory in the things of the spirit is based primarily on truly understanding who you are in God.

The ultimate question that defines distinction in the things of the spirit is, “Jesus we know, Paul we know, but who are you?”(Acts 19:15).

You are who you are because of what you did with the message once you heard it.

Examine and scrutinise your own results in this gospel. Prove your work. If you never do so, you might wake up too late to realise that you were only lying to yourself.

On the other hand, our theme scripture reveals that if you do prove your work , you will have the personal satisfaction and joy of doing something commendable [in itself alone] without [resorting to] boastful comparison with your neighbour.

FURTHER STUDY: 2 Timothy 2:15, 2 Corinthians 13:5


In this life of the gospel, it is important that you do not seek to “set sail by another man’s star” because when he changes direction, you will lose your light at sea.

PRAYER: Father, I thank you for this knowledge and wisdom. I walk in the understanding that personal responsibility is laid upon me by virtue of the message that I have received. I practice the Word, cultivate its truth and principles for results; it effectually works in me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Receiving from Ministers of God

Receiving from Ministers of God

Apostle Grace Lubega

Luke 9:49 (KJV); And John answered and said, Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name; and we forbad him, because he followeth not with us.

Our theme scripture reveals that the disciples once stopped a man from casting out devils because he was not a part of their group.

The disciples should have asked themselves the pertinent question: “how did he learn how to cast out demons?”

The fact is that there were times when they themselves failed to cast them out (Matthew 17:14-21), how come this man was doing the very thing that sometimes proved difficult to them?

If he cast out demons in Jesus’ name, it was only because, he had a personal relationship with the master without having to be among the twelve.

Never forget these two things: proximity is not access, genuine hunger is.
Secondly, familiarity with ministers of the gospel breeds contempt.

When you hear the Word, receive it as the instruction of Jehovah God Himself and act on it promptly and with diligence. It will work. Hallelujah!

FURTHER STUDY: Revelation 3:20, Isaiah 28:26


Never forget these two things: proximity is not access, genuine hunger is. Secondly, familiarity with ministers of the gospel breeds contempt.

PRAYER: Father, I thank you for this knowledge. I am taught of you. When I receive the Word from the ministers of the gospel, it is as an instruction from your throne and I treat it with all due honour and respect. This understanding grants me access to rivers of revelation and the wellsprings of wisdom. I know how to receive from ministers and how to perfectly imitate their faith. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Time To Move On

Time To Move On

Apostle Grace Lubega

Deuteronomy 2:1-3 (KJV); Then we turned, and took our journey into the wilderness by the way of the Red sea, as the Lord spake unto me: and we compassed mount Seir many days. And the Lord spake unto me, saying, Ye have compassed this mountain long enough: turn you northward.

The children of Israel spent forty years in the wilderness on their journey from Egypt to the Promised Land.

However, a deeper study of the scriptures reveals that of the forty years spent in the wilderness, thirty eight years were spent around Mount Seir.

This Mount Seir was the inheritance of the descendants of Esau (Deuteronomy 2:4-5).

God got tired of their being in the same place even though it appeared that they themselves seemed to have the grace to continue to dwell there.

Had He not told them to move, they would surely have stayed there.

I have seen this happen in the lives of several believers.

They will endure circumstances that are not the will of God for their lives yet seek grace to bear these circumstances.

As such, I have heard saints quote the famous Serenity Prayer; “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference…”

There is nothing you cannot change by God.

He says “All things are possible to them that believe…” (Mark 9:23).

Why seek for the serenity to accept the things that cannot change when you have a God with whom all things are possible? (Matthew 19:26).

Don’t ask for grace to endure that sickness, you must be healed! Don’t seek for grace to face poverty, it is God’s will that you walk in wealth and abundance (2 Corinthians 8:9).

FURTHER STUDY: 2 Corinthians 12:9, Mark 9:23

Why seek for the serenity to accept the things that cannot change when you have a God with whom all things are possible? Don’t ask for grace to endure that sickness, you must be healed! Don’t seek for grace to face poverty, it is God’s will that you walk in wealth and abundance.

PRAYER: Father, I thank you for this knowledge. It causes me to progress in every area of my life. I am not delayed; I do not tarry in the places that are not ordained for me. Sickness, poverty or struggle are not my portion. I rejoice in prosperity and success because that is my portion in Christ. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Our Eternal Identity

Our Eternal Identity
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Apostle Grace Lubega

Jeremiah 1:5(KJV); Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

Before you were manifested in the earthly realm, you had an existence in eternity.

This is what God means when He says, “I knew you…”

In this life of the gospel, the Holy Spirit helps you live out the account of who you are eternally.

The question every believer ought to ask themselves is this: who was I before I came in the earth?

The Holy Spirit joins the eternal testimony of who you were before you came in your mother’s womb together with the life that now is. You start to function from a past, present and future experience.

That is why any man who has understood this cannot live a lower life. The definition of a life well lived is when at the end of your life you realise that you were aligned to eternal purpose and that you fully ran your race. Praise Him!

FURTHER STUDY: Romans 8:29-30, Hebrews 12:1

The essence of the Holy Ghost in this life is so that you live out the account of who you are eternally.

PRAYER: Father, I thank you for this revelation. My eyes are opened to the reality of the life I lived before manifestation on the earthly realm. I live my course and run my race according to the eternal blue print of who I am. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Apôtre Grace Lubega


Jérémie 1:5(KJV) Avant que je t’eusse formé dans le ventre de ta mère, je te connaissais, et avant que tu fusses sorti de son sein, je t’avais consacré, je t’avais établi prophète des nations.

Avant que tu sois manifesté dans le royaume terrestre, tu avais une existence dans l’éternité.

C’est ce que Dieu veut dire quand Il dit : « Je vous connaissais… »

Dans cette vie de l’évangile, le Saint-Esprit vous aide à vivre le récit de qui vous êtes éternellement.

La question que tout croyant devrait se poser est celle-ci : qui étais-je avant de venir sur la terre ?

Le Saint-Esprit rejoint le témoignage éternel de qui vous étiez avant de venir dans le sein de votre mère avec la vie qui est en ce moment. Vous commencez à fonctionner à partir d’une expérience passée, présente et future.

C’est pourquoi tout homme qui a compris cela ne peut pas vivre une vie inférieure. La définition d’une vie bien vécue est celle où, à la fin de votre vie, vous réalisez que vous avez été aligné sur le but éternel et que vous avez entièrement couru votre course. Louons-Le !

ÉTUDE COMPLÉMENTAIRE : Romains 8:29-30, Hébreux 12:1

PÉPITE D’OR : L’essence du Saint-Esprit dans la vie est pour que vous viviez le récit de qui vous êtes éternellement.

PRIÈRE : Père, je te remercie pour cette révélation. Mes yeux sont ouverts à la réalité de la vie que j’ai vécue avant la manifestation sur le monde terrestre. Je vis mon parcours et cours ma course selon l’éternel schéma de qui je suis. Au nom de Jésus. Amen.

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The Perfect Law Of Liberty

The Perfect Law Of Liberty

Apostle Grace Lubega

James 1:25(KJV); But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.

The Word of God is the perfect law of liberty. Some biblical translations call it the law of free men.

This freedom is the grace to continually access the revelation of the person of Christ.

The revelation of Christ is not one dimensional, but multi-dimensional as designated by the Spirit.

In Psalms 119:96, the Psalmist walked in the spirit, reached the end of all perfection and saw the broadness of the Word of God.

Every aspect of this gospel has various dimensions, and that makes the beauty of revelation.

For example, when it comes to love, the apostle Paul beheld it’s breadth, height, length and depth (Ephesians 3:18-19).

This liberty was the apostolic architectural angle from which Paul laid the foundation of the gospel (1 Corinthians 3:10).

A man cannot start to build unless he has fully understood this grace to access.

With the same liberty we all build on Paul’s foundation (1 Corinthians 3:11).

FURTHER STUDY: 1 Corinthians 3:11, Ephesians 3:18-19

The Word of God is the perfect law of liberty; the law of free men. This freedom is the grace to continually access the revelation of the person of Christ.

PRAYER: Father, I thank you for this knowledge. Thank you for the experience by which I come to the end of all perfection and behold the broad things. I increase daily in the understanding of the person of Christ and by this, I play my part in the gospel and build with mastery. In Jesus’ name. Amen

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The Person Of The Holy Spirit

The Person Of The Holy Spirit

Apostle Grace Lubega

John 16:7 (KJV), Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.

As a Christian, you will always remain an average believer until you fully cultivate an intimate relationship with the person of the Holy Spirit.

When He truly meets you, your life will never be the same again.

People struggle both in their personal lives and in ministry because they do not know the Holy Spirit. He ought to be your chief counsellor.

Some have made drastic decisions whose consequences they have failed to live with because they never sought His counsel.

Someone may say, “I am not sure of God’s will and the step I ought to take in this matter.”

The question is, have you asked the Holy Spirit? Is He your best friend and confidante?

Proverbs 3:6 MSG says, “Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track.”

The depth of His presence is what will introduce glory in your life. He will anoint your voice, that when you speak, men will hear God speak. He will grace your hands, give them a “Midas touch” and you will succeed in whatsoever you do.

FURTHER STUDY: 1 Corinthians 2:10, Psalms 46:1


The depth of the presence of the Holy Spirit is what will introduce glory in your life. He will anoint your voice, that when you speak, men will hear God speak. He will grace your hands and give them a “Midas touch.”

PRAYER: Father, I thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit, my comforter, advocate, counsellor, strength and guide. I fall more deeply in love with Him every day. I yield deeper to His convictions and live a life wholly instructed of Him, to the glory of your name. Amen.

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Hearing From The Inside

Hearing From The Inside

Apostle Grace Lubega

Romans 12:6 (KJV), Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith;

Our theme scripture reveals that you minister according to the proportion of faith given to you.

The Greek word for proportion in our theme scripture is “analogia”, derived from “ana” which means “in between” and “logos” which is the Word of God.
You minister from in between logos (the Word).

Since you have logos on the inside of you, you were given grace to cut asunder, separate bone and marrow, soul and spirit (Hebrews 4:12) beginning from God’s working within you.

This is what gives you definition: even when you refer to another minister’s teaching, you will have your own distinction of revelation.

God is calling you to hear from within, as He abides in you. Hallelujah!

FURTHER STUDY: Hebrews 4:12, Romans 10:17


God is calling you to hear from within, as He abides in you.

PRAYER: Father, I thank you for your Word. My spirit is tuned to listen and to draw from what is on the inside of me. Because I minister out of the overflow of what is in me, I have distinction in sound, the wells of revelation in my spirit are bottomless and when I speak, people hear God speak. In Jesus’ name. Amen.,

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The Humble Spirit

Apostle Grace Lubega

James 4:6(KJV); But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.

Humility is not the outside display of a “humble attitude.” Humility is a virtue of the spirit.

Take for example Moses. On the outside, his temperament could have been easily misinterpreted for pride. He had a temper he could scarcely control as demonstrated from the occasions where he killed an Egyptian man(Exodus 2:11-12), broke the tablets of stone given to him by God (Exodus 32:19) and angrily struck the rock twice contrary to God’s instruction (Numbers 20:10-12).

However, God refers to him as the meekest and humblest man on the face of the earth and for such, He spoke to him face to face and not just through dreams and visions (Numbers 12:3-8).

One of the signs of the spirit of pride in a man is the absence of the revelation of God and His Word in his life. Why so?

It is because God keeps His secrets with the humble(Psalms 25:14).

People are often denied access to many things in the spirit because they have never learned how to break before God. A broken and contrite spirit He will not despise (Psalms 51:17).

It is a reflection of pride when a man is unable to hear God.

FURTHER STUDY: 1 Peter 5:5, Psalms 51:17


Humility is not an outside display of a “humble attitude.” Humility is a virtue of the spirit.

PRAYER: Father, I thank you for your Word. I choose to bend and break before you. I lay aside any veils and cast down any crowns in the understanding of your Lordship over my life. Even as you deal with me and in me, my spirit is opened to deeper revelations of your person and greater clarity in hearing your voice. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Posted in: Phaneroo Devotion

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