Archive for Phaneroo Devotion

The Language of Creation

Apostle Grace Lubega

Gen 1:1-3 (KJV); In the beginning God created the Heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

When God said, let there be light, He did not speak it in English, Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek.

The language of creation was not human.

Understand that these things were in God as desires, ideas and thoughts. The Spirit interpreted these desires and brought forth manifestation.

The Spirit of God had a perfect understanding of what God wished to communicate.

He put substance, identity and distinction to what was in the mind of God.

In the same way, the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 2:9-10; But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.

The Spirit searches and examines these deep things of God not simply so you may discover that they exist but to manifest them in the earth; to give them shape and form in the physical realm.

God is not preparing these things; he has prepared them.

There are things in the spirit realm waiting for you and me but they require that you understand the language by which things take form on the earth.

Creation is groaning for the manifestation of the sons of God (Romans 8:19) but in its groaning, it seeks to hear the language of creation. Hallelujah!

FURTHER STUDY: 1 Corinthians 2:9-10, Romans 8:19


There are things in the spirit realm waiting for you and me but they require that you understand the language by which things take form on the earth. Creation is groaning for the manifestation of the sons of God but in its groaning, it seeks to hear the language of creation.

PRAYER: Father, I thank you for this Word. I understand the language of creation. The Spirit of God in me gives substance and identity to the things that you have revealed to me, that no eye has seen, ear has heard and have not entered the hearts of men. I know how to manifest things from the spiritual to the physical realm. To the glory of your name. Amen.

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Building with Mastery

Building with Mastery

Apostle Grace Lubega

1 Corinthians 3:10 (KJV); According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon.

Paul was the wise master builder who laid the foundation of the gospel. He built with mastery because it is a key requirement in raising the church of Christ.

He cautions us to take heed how we build. It means that not everyone is qualified to build.

That is why in the scriptures, we have instructions like not appointing a novice to office (1 Timothy 3:6). Why? Because novices break what has been built and build what has been broken. This is transgression and it keeps the church in a vicious cycle of breaking the things it has built and building the things it has broken (Galatians 2:18).

What makes a master? 1 Corinthians 9:25; “Every man that strives for mastery must be temperate in all things.” This temperance is in understanding the patterns by which we must build.

The church of Christ is not established on mediocrity. If you are a teacher, don’t just teach, be a master at teaching. If you are an apostle, seek to be a master in the apostolic graces. If you are a prophet, don’t just prophecy, seek mastery in the prophetic office.

In this way, when your works are tested by fire to see what kind they are, they will stand because you built with mastery (1 Corinthians 3:13). Hallelujah!

FURTHER STUDY: 1 Corinthians 3:13, Galatians 2:18


The church of Christ is not established on mediocrity. If you are a teacher, don’t just teach, be a master at teaching. If you are an apostle, seek to be a master in the apostolic graces. If you are a prophet, don’t just prophecy, seek mastery in the prophetic office.

PRAYER: My God, I thank you. You have not called me to mediocrity but to mastery; to temperance in all things; to understanding the patterns and rules by which church and ministry are built. Thank you because you sharpen me for greatness. I am more than just a prophet, teacher, apostle, preacher or evangelist. I am a master in the call you have placed upon my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture

Apostle Grace Lubega

Luke 22:31-32 (KJV); And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.

There are circumstances and situations you may go through in this life but they are for the benefit of others.

Sometimes, we selfishly focus on our pain and afflictions and forget that in the eternal scheme of things, it is important that we endure these things.

The Lord informed Simon that Satan desired to afflict him. However, he did not pray to avert what would befall Simon. He only prayed that his faith would stand.

Simon’s trial and his endurance of it was to become a source of strength for his brethren.

Joseph was sold to Egypt by his brothers; thrown into prison for an act he had not committed and forgotten by Pharaoh’s chief butler even after he interpreted his dream.

But we see Joseph’s maturity when he eventually meets his brothers. He said, “Be not aggrieved nor angry with yourselves that you sold me here: for God sent me before you to preserve life.” (Genesis 45:5).

Joseph, at this point of his life was not only an answer to the nation of Egypt but to the world.

Sometimes you have to take your eyes off what you are going through and behold the end; see those who are strengthened because they observed your faith; see those who are drawn to Christ because they can see by the testimony of your life that he never leaves us nor forsakes us; see those who shall be restored because they studied your patterns and realized that no man can fall too low to be restored. Hallelujah!

FURTHER STUDY: Genesis 45:5, Romans 8:28

Sometimes you have to take your eyes off what you are going through and behold the end; see those who are strengthened because they observed your faith; see those who are drawn to Christ because they can see by the testimony of your life that he never leaves us nor forsakes us; see those who shall be restored because they studied your patterns and realized that no man can fall too low to be restored.

PRAYER: Father, I thank you for this wonderful word. Lord it does not matter what I may be going through, I walk in the understanding that all things work together for good. Today, I turn my eyes upon you as the things around me grow strangely deem. Like the apostle Paul says, because we have this ministry, we do not faint. I see the bigger picture and know that I am a pattern to many. They stand because I stand; they believe because I believe; they endure because I endure. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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The State of your Heart

The State of your Heart

Apostle Grace Lubega

Acts 8:18-21 (KJV); And when Simon saw that through laying on of the apostles’ hands the Holy Ghost was given, he offered them money, Saying, Give me also this power, that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the Holy Ghost. But Peter said unto him, Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money. Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter: for thy heart is not right in the sight of God. 

Before God ever trusts you with great responsibility, He first fashions a character of the Spirit in you.

This is why your heart is the first thing that you give to God.

Simon the sorcerer’s problem was the state of his heart.

When his heart was weighed he was found to have a gall of bitterness and as such, he had no part nor lot in what he sought to partake.

The gall of bitterness brings an eagerness to access the things of the Spirit without understanding the responsibility that comes with those things.

Why are you asking God for a healing anointing? Is it so you can walk about as a proud man who knows that he can heal the sick? Why are you believing for a big ministry? Is it so you surround yourself with guards and slaves like the powers of this present world?

If your heart is not right before God, then you do not have any part nor lot in the ministry.

FURTHER STUDY: Psalms 139:23-24, Proverbs 21:2


If your heart is not right before God, then you do not have any part nor lot in the ministry.

PRAYER: Father, like the Psalmist, I stand before you today and ask that you search my heart and deal with me. Break, humble and bend me God that my desires are after your heartbeat and not just my own selfish desires. I desire that I be used of you, not so men can see what I can do, but so they understand what you can do because my ultimate need is to point men to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Living on the Edge

Living on the Edge
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Apostle Grace Lubega

Mark 2:2-5 (KJV); And straightway many were gathered together, insomuch that there was no room to receive them, no, not so much as about the door: and he preached the word unto them. And they come unto him, bringing one sick of the palsy, which was borne of four. And when they could not come nigh unto him for the press, they uncovered the roof where he was: and when they had broken it up, they let down the bed wherein the sick of the palsy lay. When Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the sick of the palsy, Son, thy sins be forgiven thee

Have you ever taken time to reflect on the absolute faith of these four men?

They simply heard that Jesus was in Capernaum and determined that no barrier was going to keep them away from the healing of their sick friend.

There were no questions of whose house that was; it was a matter they would have to deal with later.

There were no questions of how many people witnessed them do this in broad day light; the opinions of men were a small thing compared to their determined focus to see this man healed.

That is faith! Jesus saw their faith. This means that faith is visible by the provisions that we make for it.

Faith does not stop at the point where you agree in your heart that you are healed.

Faith is when you walk off that bed even when the report says you will remain bedridden for years.

Faith is not when you agree that you have the job. It is waking up every morning, smartly dressed for the office and walking out your door with the pure confidence that you are employed.

Faith is not when you believe you will get married next month. It is drawing up a budget and buying a wedding dress!

Faith requires that you stretch the limits of convention and propriety. It demands that you learn to live on the edge because if you never learn to live on the edge, you can never see glory. Hallelujah!

FURTHER STUDY: Matthew 19:26, Hebrews 11


Faith requires that you stretch the limits of convention and propriety. It demands that you learn to live on the edge because if you never learn to live on the edge, you can never see glory.

PRAYER: My father, thank you for this word. The eyes of my understanding are enlightened to see the endless possibilities that are in you. What can’t you do God? Nothing is impossible with you. Today, I step out in faith, with the absolute knowledge that your word is sure and it is true, that the instruction from you is simple, to only believe. I do great and mighty things through your power working in me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.



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Apôtre Grace Lubega


Marc 2:2-5 (KJV) Et aussitôt plusieurs se rassemblèrent, de sorte qu’il n’y avait pas de place pour les recevoir, non, pas tant que pour la porte : et il leur prêcha la parole. Et ils vinrent à lui, apportant un malade de la paralysie, qui était né de quatre ans. Et quand ils ne pouvaient pas s’approcher de lui pour la presse, ils découvraient le toit où il était : et quand ils l’avaient brisé, ils laissaient tomber le lit où gisaient les malades de la paralysie. Quand Jésus vit leur foi, il dit au paralytique, Fils, que tes péchés te soient pardonnés

Avez-vous déjà pris le temps de réfléchir à la foi absolue de ces quatre hommes ?

Ils ont simplement entendu que Jésus était à Capharnaüm et ont déterminé qu’aucune barrière n’allait les éloigner de la guérison de leur ami malade.

Il n’y avait pas de questions sur la maison de qui c’était ; c’était une question à traiter plus tard.

Il n’y avait pas de questions sur le nombre de personnes qui les ont vu faire cela en plein jour ; les opinions des hommes étaient une petite chose par rapport à leur détermination à voir cet homme guéri.

C’est la foi ! Jésus a vu leur foi. Cela signifie que la foi est visible par les provisions que nous lui faisons.

La foi ne s’arrête pas au point où vous êtes d’accord dans votre cœur que vous êtes guéri.

La foi est quand vous sortez de ce lit même lorsque le rapport dit que vous resterez alité pendant des années.

La foi n’est pas quand vous acceptez que vous avez le travail. Il se réveille tous les matins, élégamment habillé pour le bureau et sort à votre porte avec la pure confiance que vous êtes employé.

La foi n’est pas quand tu crois que tu vas te marier le mois prochain. Il prépare un budget et achète une robe de mariée !

La foi exige que vous étiriez les limites de la convention et de la bienséance. Il exige que vous appreniez à vivre sur le bord parce que si vous n’apprendrez jamais à vivre sur le bord, vous ne pouvez jamais voir la gloire. Alléluia !

ÉTUDE COMPLÉMENTAIRE : Matthieu 19:26, Hébreux 11

PÉPITE D’OR : La foi exige que vous étiriez les limites de la convention et de la bienséance. Il exige que vous appreniez à vivre sur le bord parce que si vous n’apprendrez jamais à vivre sur le bord, vous ne pouvez jamais voir la gloire.

PRIÈRE : Mon père, merci pour cette parole. Les yeux de ma compréhension sont éclairés pour voir les possibilités infinies qui sont en toi. Que ne peux-tu pas faire Dieu ? Rien n’est impossible avec toi. Aujourd’hui, je sors dans la foi, avec la certitude absolue que ta parole est sûre et qu’elle est vraie, que ton instruction est simple, de croire seulement. Je fais des choses grandes et puissantes grâce à ton pouvoir qui travaille en moi. Au nom de Jésus. Amen.



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The Choice To Grow

The Choice To Grow

Apostle Grace Lubega

2 Corinthians 13:5 (KJV); Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?

Growth in the things of the Spirit is a choice.

As a Christian, you must learn to go back and ask yourself, what have I done thus far? How am I progressing?

You ought to have a personal score card by which you weigh yourself against the scriptures.

One of the most important aspects that will cause you to grow, is the understanding that you are alive primarily to serve divine purpose.

If this fact does not settle in your spirit, you may provide for the wrong things, the lengths you will go to achieve success will be misdirected and misinformed.

If souls are not at the center of what you do, how will you ever number your days? How will you redeem time because the days are evil? How will you go into the world and make disciples of nations?

You might not stand on a pulpit to preach but there ought to be things you do to contribute to the great cause of expanding the kingdom of God.

At the end of your life, it ought to be testified that you had your part in it(the gospel) and it had its part in you. Hallelujah!

FURTHER STUDY: 2 Corinthians 12:15, Philippians 1:23-24


Growth in the things of the Spirit, is a choice.

PRAYER: My loving father, I thank you for these deep convictions that explain to me the true purpose of life. I know that it is one thing to know you but it is another to know your heartbeat and dance to its rhythm every day. Today I choose to walk in perfect tune to your deepest desires, to preach, to reach out, to spend and be spent for the sake of the kingdom. Thank you that this is not by my own power or strength but by your Spirit. He labors in me to contribute my part to the fullest, nothing wanting and nothing held back. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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At The Mountaintop

At The Mountaintop
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Apostle Grace Lubega

Revelation 11:12 (KJV); And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them.

Every child of God is required to have a “mountain top” view of things pertaining to the gospel and God’s plan for their lives. We are called to see from the top.

This is why in our theme scripture, the instruction is, “come up thither.”

A man at the mountaintop inspires the visions of the men in the valley and is thus qualified enough to call them to “come up thither.”

Never let the circumstances of your life cause you to think that you will never get there.

For you, it should never be a case of “I have been to the mountaintop. I have seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you…”

If you let circumstances colour your prospects of success, you will be as those whom the Bible says beheld the promises of God from afar but still died in faith (Hebrews 11:13).

It is NOT God’s desire to give you a vision whose fulfillment you never live to see.

He wants you live to see His goodness in the land of the living.

Walk by faith. Always live as a man on the mountaintop! Hallelujah!

FURTHER STUDY: Hebrews 12:22-23, 2 Corinthians 5:7


It is not God’s desire to give you a vision whose fulfillment you never live to see. He wants you live to see His goodness in the land of the living.

PRAYER: Father, I am most grateful for your great word. I see from above and this shapes my understanding of life and every step I take towards the milestones you have set for my life. Today, more than ever, I see with clarity the great plans that you have laid before me, the nations and multitudes of people I must change by your power working though me. I know that I will finish well. In Jesus’ name.

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Apôtre Grace Lubega


Apocalypse 11:12 (KJV) Et ils entendirent du ciel une voix qui leur disait: Montez ici! Et ils montèrent au ciel dans la nuée ; et leurs ennemis les virent.

Chaque enfant de Dieu est tenu d’avoir une vision « de montagne » des choses concernant l’évangile et le plan de Dieu pour leurs vies. Nous sommes appelés à voir de haut.

C’est pourquoi dans notre écriture, l’instruction est : « Viens là-haut ».

Un homme au sommet de la montagne inspire les visions des hommes de la vallée et est ainsi assez qualifié pour les appeler à « venir là-haut ».

Ne laissez jamais les circonstances de votre vie vous faire croire que vous n’y arriverez jamais.

Pour vous, il ne devrait jamais être un cas de « J’ai été au sommet de la montagne. J’ai vu la Terre Promise. Je ne serais peut-être pas avec vous… »

Si vous laissez les circonstances colorer vos chances de succès, vous serez comme ceux qui selon la Bible ont vu de loin les promesses de Dieu mais sont encore morts dans la foi (Hébreux 11:13).

Ce n’est pas le désir de Dieu de vous donner une vision dont vous ne vivez jamais pour voir.

Il veut que vous viviez pour voir sa bonté sur la terre des vivants.

Marcher par la foi. Vivez toujours comme un homme au sommet de la montagne ! Alléluia !

ÉTUDE COMPLÉMENTAIRE : Hébreux 12:22-23, 2 Corinthiens 5:7

PÉPITE D’OR : Ce n’est pas le désir de Dieu de vous donner une vision dont vous ne vivez jamais pour voir. Il veut que vous viviez pour voir sa bonté sur la terre des vivants.

PRIÈRE : Père, je te suis très reconnaissant pour ta grande parole. Je vois d’en haut et cela façonne ma compréhension de la vie et chaque pas que je fais vers les étapes que tu as définies pour ma vie. Aujourd’hui, plus que jamais, je vois avec clarté les grands projets que tu m’as présentés, les nations et les multitudes de personnes que je dois changer par ton pouvoir en travaillant à travers moi. Je sais que je vais bien finir. Au nom de Jésus.

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Things That Make Ministers: From The Back End Of Ministry

Things That Make Ministers: From The Back End Of Ministry
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Apostle Grace Lubega

1 Peter 5:6(KJV); Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:

As a minister of the gospel, your ministry ought to start from the back, away from the spotlight and attention of men before God can honour you to a greater place of influence in the lives of people.

The greatest men of God did not achieve what they did by accident.

There are things that they did in other men’s ministries by way of service even before they ever stood on pulpits to preach.

They followed a certain pattern by the Spirit even as He led them.

They were ‘back office” men but as they served in the “back office”, they learnt the crafts of the “front office”.

Sadly, some people want to start from the front and the “glare of the spotlight” simply because they seek self exaltation.

For example, a man may join a ministry today and immediately want to get on the pulpit to preach; he wants to be appointed a pastor or worship leader without being proved and tested.

No, that is not how it ought to be. Start from the back; get involved in the simplest tasks of the ministry: clean the chairs, mop the floor, evangelize, respond to the instructions from the altar, serve your man of God, and attend the meetings faithfully.

If you miss this pattern of beginning from the back, you will climb up the ladder of success only to come back down.

You can never be served perfectly until you learn to serve perfectly. It is part of sowing to the Spirit to reap from the Spirit.

If you walk the lines well and according to the patterns, nothing will take you backwards. Hallelujah!

FURTHER STUDY: Proverbs 11:25, Galatians 6:9


As a minister of the gospel, your ministry ought to start from the back, away from the spotlight and attention of men.

PRAYER: My loving God, I thank you for this wisdom. I understand how people grow in ministry. I serve with the understanding that you are my audience and do not seek the reward of men. It is you who exalts and you who honours. Today, I say I am available to you God. No matter how small the task, I perform it with the greatest diligence because I know that in all that I do, I am adding a building block to the greatest structure in the world–your church. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Apôtre Grace Lubega


Josué 10:12-13(KJV) Josué parla au Seigneur le jour où l’Éternel livra les Amorites devant les enfants d’Israël, et il dit devant Israël : Soleil, reste sur Gabaon ; et toi, Lune, dans la vallée d’Ajalon. Et le soleil s’arrêta, et la lune resta, jusqu’à ce que le peuple se fût vengé de ses ennemis. N’est-ce pas écrit dans le livre de Jasher ? Ainsi, le soleil se tint au milieu du ciel, et il se hâta de ne pas descendre une journée entière.

Le temps sur la terre est une limitation.

À un moment ou à un autre, chaque enfant de Dieu qui marche grâce à l’éternel schéma du destin se sentira hors du temps.

C’est ce qui est arrivé à Josué. La main de Dieu lui avait donné une grande victoire mais les heures du jour ne lui suffisaient pas pour accomplir la tâche à accomplir.

Il n’a pas arrêté le soleil parce qu’il voulait démontrer la puissance de Dieu. Il était important qu’il mette fin à la bataille ce même jour parce que le jour suivant il aurait dû combattre des ennemis qui ne pouvaient être vaincus que dans un laps de temps différent.

Ceci est semblable à un Chrétien pour qui les prophéties et les visions dans son esprit sont plus grandes que le temps qu’il a pour les exécuter.

En tant qu’enfant de Dieu, vous avez un très grand ministère à l’intérieur de vous. La seule façon de l’accomplir est d’accélérer l’Esprit.

Cette accélération est ce qu’un homme a besoin de donner la lumière pour la « tuerie »

Dans cette vie, il y a des choses qui doivent rester immobiles pour votre progrès.

Si c’est la création, elle doit rester immobile pour vous. Si ce sont des éléments, ils doivent rester immobiles pour vous.

C’est le lieu où toutes choses doivent s’incliner devant la vision que Dieu a mise dans votre esprit. Alléluia !

ÉTUDE COMPLÉMENTAIRE : Jean 6:63, Romains 8:28

PÉPITE D’OR : Dans cette vie, il y a des choses qui doivent rester immobiles pour votre progrès. Si c’est la création, elle doit rester immobile pour vous. Si ce sont des éléments, ils doivent rester immobiles pour vous. C’est le lieu où toutes choses doivent s’incliner devant la vision que Dieu a mise dans votre esprit.

PRIÈRE : Père, je te remercie pour la vision que tu as placée dans mon esprit. Merci pour les choses que tu fais pour rester immobile pour son accomplissement. Je te remercie parce que tout autour de moi s’incline et travaille ensemble pour son avancement. Au nom de Jésus. Amen.



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In the Greatness of Vision

In the Greatness of Vision
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Apostle Grace Lubega

Joshua 10:12-13(KJV); Then spake Joshua to the Lord in the day when the Lord delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon. And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.

Time on the earth is a limitation.

At one point or other, every child of God walking by the eternal blue print of destiny will feel out of time.

This is what happened to Joshua. The hand of God had given him a great victory but the hours of the day were not sufficient for him to accomplish the task at hand.

He did not stop the sun because he wanted to demonstrate the power of God. It was important that he end the battle that same day because the next day he might have had to fight enemies that could only be defeated within a different time frame.

This is similar to a Christian for whom the prophecies and visions in his spirit are bigger than the time he has to execute them.

As a child of God, you have a very great ministry in the inside of you. The only way you can accomplish it is by the quickening of the Spirit.

This quickening is what a man needs to give the light for the “kill”

In this life, there are things that must stand still for your progress.

If it is creation, it must stand still for you. If they are elements, they must stand still for you.

That is the place where all things must bow to the vision that God has put in your spirit. Hallelujah!

FURTHER STUDY: John 6:63, Romans 8:28


In this life, there are things that must stand still for your progress. If it is creation, it must stand still for you. If they are elements, they must stand still for you. That is the place where all things must bow to the vision that God has put in your spirit.

PRAYER: Father, I thank you for the vision you have placed in my spirit. Thank you for the things you cause to stand still for its fulfilment. I thank you because everything around me bows to it and works together for its advancement. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Apôtre Grace Lubega


Josué 10:12-13(KJV) Josué parla au Seigneur le jour où l’Éternel livra les Amorites devant les enfants d’Israël, et il dit devant Israël : Soleil, reste sur Gabaon ; et toi, Lune, dans la vallée d’Ajalon. Et le soleil s’arrêta, et la lune resta, jusqu’à ce que le peuple se fût vengé de ses ennemis. N’est-ce pas écrit dans le livre de Jasher ? Ainsi, le soleil se tint au milieu du ciel, et il se hâta de ne pas descendre une journée entière.

Le temps sur la terre est une limitation.

À un moment ou à un autre, chaque enfant de Dieu qui marche grâce à l’éternel schéma du destin se sentira hors du temps.

C’est ce qui est arrivé à Josué. La main de Dieu lui avait donné une grande victoire mais les heures du jour ne lui suffisaient pas pour accomplir la tâche à accomplir.

Il n’a pas arrêté le soleil parce qu’il voulait démontrer la puissance de Dieu. Il était important qu’il mette fin à la bataille ce même jour parce que le jour suivant il aurait dû combattre des ennemis qui ne pouvaient être vaincus que dans un laps de temps différent.

Ceci est semblable à un Chrétien pour qui les prophéties et les visions dans son esprit sont plus grandes que le temps qu’il a pour les exécuter.

En tant qu’enfant de Dieu, vous avez un très grand ministère à l’intérieur de vous. La seule façon de l’accomplir est d’accélérer l’Esprit.

Cette accélération est ce qu’un homme a besoin de donner la lumière pour la « tuerie »

Dans cette vie, il y a des choses qui doivent rester immobiles pour votre progrès.

Si c’est la création, elle doit rester immobile pour vous. Si ce sont des éléments, ils doivent rester immobiles pour vous.

C’est le lieu où toutes choses doivent s’incliner devant la vision que Dieu a mise dans votre esprit. Alléluia !

ÉTUDE COMPLÉMENTAIRE : Jean 6:63, Romains 8:28

PÉPITE D’OR : Dans cette vie, il y a des choses qui doivent rester immobiles pour votre progrès. Si c’est la création, elle doit rester immobile pour vous. Si ce sont des éléments, ils doivent rester immobiles pour vous. C’est le lieu où toutes choses doivent s’incliner devant la vision que Dieu a mise dans votre esprit.

PRIÈRE : Père, je te remercie pour la vision que tu as placée dans mon esprit. Merci pour les choses que tu fais pour rester immobile pour son accomplissement. Je te remercie parce que tout autour de moi s’incline et travaille ensemble pour son avancement. Au nom de Jésus. Amen.

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The Fellowship Of The Holy Spirit

The Fellowship Of The Holy Spirit
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Apostle Grace Lubega

1 Corinthians 2:10 (KJV); But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.

The scriptures speak of the grace of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. (2 Corinthians 13:14).

Observe the order for a moment, when we find Grace, we are led into the revelation of love. And when we fully comprehend the mystery of love, we grow into fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

But what truly is the fellowship of the Holy Spirit?

It’s the great, priceless and unsearchable things He will want to SHARE with you in communion with Him.

More than being a recipient in these things, He the Holy Spirit, wants you to be a participant in them: you in turn become a true channel and vessel through which He distributes wisdom, knowledge, understanding and all His precious gifts.

Like Paul, you will have the ability not just to heal but to impart a miraculous faculty, not just to speak wisdom but to impart wisdom. (Romans 1:11). Hallelujah!

FURTHER STUDY: 1 Corinthians 2:11, John 14:26

When we find Grace, we are led into the revelation of love. And when we fully comprehend the mystery of love, we grow into fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

PRAYER: Father, I thank you for this knowledge. Thank you for the gift of your presence and the things you share by reason of my oneness with you. I have a deep understanding of our communion. I am not just a recipient but a co-participant in these things that you reveal to me every day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.



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Intumwa Grace Lubega


1 Abakorinto 2:10; Ariko Imana yabiduhishurishije Umwuka wayo, kuko Umwuka arondora byose ndetse n’amayoberane y’Imana.

Ibyanditswe bivuga Ubuntu bw’Umwami wacu Yesu Kristo, n’urukundo rw’Imana, no kubana n’Umwuka Wera bibane namwe mwese. (2Abakorinto13:14).

Reba neza akanya gato, iyo tubonye ubuntu, tuyoborwa mu guhishurirwa urukundo. Kandi iyo dusobanukiwe ubwiru bw’urukundo, dukura mu gusabana n’umwuka wera.

Ariko gusabana n’umwuka wera nyakuri ni ukuhe?

Ni ibintu bikomeye cyane by’igiciro kandi utashaka ngo ubone ashaka kwereka KUGUSANGIZA mu gihe usabana nawe.

Kuruta kuba uwakira muri ibi bintu, Mwuka wera, ashaka ko ubigiramo uruhare: ukaba umuyoboro n’igikoresho nyacyo anyuzamo ubwenge, ubumenyi, gusobanukirwa n’impano ziwe z’igiciro.

Nka pawulo, uzagira ubushobozi butari ubwo gukiza gusa ahubwo ubwo guhesha abandi gukora ibitangaza, butari ubwo kuvuga iby’ubwenge gusa ahubwo ubwo gutanga ubwenge. (Abaroma 1:11). Hallelujah!

IBINDI BYANDITSWE: 1 Abakorinto 2:11, Yohana 14:26

ICYO WAKURAMO: Iyo tubonye ubuntu, tuyoborwa mu guhishurirwa urukundo. Kandi iyo dusobanukiwe ubwiru bw’urukundo, dukura mu gusabana n’umwuka wera.

ISENGESHO: Data, Ngushimiye ubu bumenyi. Urakoze ku bw’Impano yo kubaho kwawe n’ibyo unsangiza bitewe no kuba umwe kwanjye nawe. Mfite gusobanukirwa guhagije kw’umubano wacu. Sindi uwacira gusa ahubwo mfite uruhare mu bintu umpishurira buri munsi. Mu izina rya Yesu. Amen



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Apôtre Grace Lubega


1 Corinthiens 2:10 (KJV) Mais Dieu nous les a révélés par son Esprit : car l’Esprit sonde tout, même les choses profondes de Dieu.

Les écritures parlent de la grâce de notre Seigneur et Sauveur Jésus-Christ, de l’amour de Dieu et de la communion du Saint-Esprit. (2 Corinthiens 13:14).

Observez l’ordre pendant un moment, quand nous trouvons la grâce, nous sommes conduits dans la révélation de l’amour. Et quand nous comprenons pleinement le mystère de l’amour, nous grandissons en communion avec le Saint-Esprit.

Mais qu’est-ce que vraiment la communion du Saint-Esprit ?

Ce sont les choses grandes, inestimables et insondables qu’Il voudra PARTAGER avec vous en communion avec Lui.

Plus que d’être un bénéficiaire dans ces choses, Il, l’Esprit Saint, veut que vous y participiez : vous devenez à votre tour un vrai canal et un navire à travers lequel Il distribue la sagesse, la connaissance, la compréhension et tous Ses dons précieux.

Comme Paul, vous aurez non seulement la capacité de guérir mais de transmettre une faculté miraculeuse, non seulement pour dire la sagesse mais aussi pour transmettre la sagesse. (Romains 1:11). Alléluia !

ÉTUDE COMPLÉMENTAIRE : 1 Corinthiens 2:11, Jean 14:26

PÉPITE D’OR : Quand nous trouvons la grâce, nous sommes conduits dans la révélation de l’amour. Et quand nous comprenons pleinement le mystère de l’amour, nous grandissons en communion avec le Saint-Esprit.

PRIÈRE : Père, je te remercie pour cette connaissance. Merci pour le don de ta présence et pour les choses que tu partages en raison de mon unicité avec toi. J’ai une profonde compréhension de notre communion. Je ne suis pas seulement un destinataire mais un co-participant à ces choses que tu me révéles tous les jours. Au nom de Jésus. Amen.



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What Do You See?

What Do You See?
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Apostle Grace Lubega

Ephesians 3:9 (KJV); And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ:

The relationship we have with God is supposed to be an experience of daily access to revelation and vision in the things of the Spirit.

As a child of God, vision and revelation are not supposed to be an occasional occurrence but a continuous experience as you relate with Him and His Word.

For this reason, Paul speaks of his mandate to “make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery…”

The mystery must be seen. This relationship you have with God cannot exist without sight.

As a matter of fact, no relationship can exist without sight.

This is not physical sight but a fundamental understanding of the qualities and character of the other person.

For this reason, the question addressed to couples always is, “what do you see in her or him..?”

To the Christian, the question is, “what do you see in God…?”

What do you see when you pray? What do you see when you worship? What do you see in Him when you study the Word?

The more you see, the more you walk in the manifestation of what you behold. Hallelujah!

FURTHER STUDY: Ephesians 1:18, 1 John 1:1-3


The relationship we have with God is supposed to be an experience of daily access to revelation and vision in the things of the Spirit.

PRAYER: Father, I thank you for this knowledge. I thank you for vision and clarity of sight in the things of the Spirit. I do not just study the Word, I see in the Word. I do not just pray, I see in prayer. I do not just worship, I see in worship. Even as I behold, I walk in the manifestation of what is revealed. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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Apostle Grace Lubega


Ephesians 3:9 (KJV); Et pour faire voir à tous les hommes quelle est la communion du mystère qui, depuis le commencement du monde, a été caché en Dieu, qui a créé toutes choses par Jésus-Christ.

La relation que nous avons avec Dieu est censée être une expérience d’accès quotidien à la révélation et à la vision dans les choses de l’Esprit.

En tant qu’enfant de Dieu, la vision et la révélation ne sont pas supposées être un événement occasionnel mais une expérience continue en relation avec Lui et Sa Parole.

Pour cette raison, Paul parle de son mandat pour « faire voir à tous les hommes quelle est la communion du mystère… »

Le mystère doit être vu. Cette relation que vous avez avec Dieu ne peut exister sans la vue.
En fait, aucune relation ne peut exister sans la vue.

Ce n’est pas une vision physique mais une compréhension fondamentale des qualités et du caractère de l’autre personne.

Pour cette raison, la question adressée aux couples est toujours, « qu’est-ce que vous voyez dans elle ou lui… ? »

Pour le chrétien, la question est : « Que voyez-vous en Dieu… ? »

Que voyez-vous quand vous priez ? Que voyez-vous quand vous adorez ? Que voyez-vous en Lui quand vous étudiez la Parole ?

Plus vous voyez, plus vous marchez dans la manifestation de ce que vous voyez. Alléluia !

ÉTUDE COMPLÉMENTAIRE : Ephésiens 1:18, 1 Jean 1:1-3

PÉPITE D’OR : La relation que nous avons avec Dieu est censée être une expérience d’accès quotidien à la révélation et à la vision dans les choses de l’Esprit.

PRIÈRE : Père, je te remercie pour cette connaissance. Je te remercie pour la vision et la clarté de la vue dans les choses de l’Esprit. Je n’étudie pas seulement la Parole, je vois dans la Parole. Je ne prie pas seulement, je vois dans la prière. Je n’adore pas seulement, je vois dans l’adoration. De même que je vois, je marche dans la manifestation de ce qui est révélé. Au nom de Jésus. Amen.

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It is a Relationship Issue

It is a Relationship Issue

Apostle Grace Lubega

Psalms 42:1(KJV); As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God.

Salvation is a very personal journey.

This might appear to be common knowledge but you only have to examine the extreme level of dependence that different people have on their pastors or men of God in our generation to understand that this is not the case.

As a minister of the gospel, I have counselled many individuals. But I can tell you for a fact that the majority of people that seek counselling in the body of Christ are aggrieved about their health, spouse, business, and things of that nature.

It is a very small percentage that seek men of God to inquire on how they can get to know God more.

But child of God, some of the things that you want the man of God to fix, you would have fixed a long time ago if you had cultivated a relationship with God.

Instead, you are ignoring the need for a deeper relationship with God and coming to a man with the relationship.

If you are always seeking solutions from a man of God, when will you ever know God enough to be a solution yourself ? When will you grow?

Tomorrow you might meet a bigger challenge and the man of God may not be available.

Seek God! Know Him for yourself! Hallelujah!

FURTHER STUDY: Psalms 27:4, Mark 12:30


Salvation is a very personal journey. Some of the things that you want a man of God to fix, you would have fixed a long time ago if you had only cultivated a relationship with God.

PRAYER: My loving father I need you, today more than I have ever done before. I am not hungry for what your hand can give but what your heart can reveal. Thank you for drawing me into deeper intimacy with you. I know you more today than I did yesterday and I will know you more deeply tomorrow than I do today. My life is a reflection of one who truly knows and is known of God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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