Archive for Phaneroo Devotion

Serve Your Occasion: Understanding The Times

Serve Your Occasion: Understanding The Times
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Apostle Grace Lubega

1 Samuel 10: 6-7 (KJV); And the Spirit of the Lord will come upon thee, and thou shalt prophesy with them, and shalt be turned into another man. And let it be, when these signs are come unto thee, that thou do as occasion serve thee; for God is with thee.

If you are truly led by the Holy Spirit, you should not struggle in the things He leads you into.

For example, you cannot claim that the Holy Spirit led you into a marriage, which turned out to be a “bed of thorns” and consequent divorce.

The Holy Spirit cannot lead you into a job that becomes a “blight on your soul”, or a business deal that goes to wreckage.

As the helper, the Holy Spirit leads you to serve you. He is the shepherd who makes you lie down in green pastures and leads you besides still waters (Psalms 23:1).

These waters [the experiences of the Spirit] and pastures [His Word] are for your sake.

In our theme scripture, Saul is told by the prophet Samuel, “when the spirit comes upon you, you will prophesy and be turned into another man. When these signs come to you, do as occasion serves you for GOD is with you.”

For Saul, signs preceded the occasion that was to be served. The Spirit wants to lead you to deeper experiences and greater depths in the Word.

Have you read and understood the signs? It may be the slightest prompting to pray, to study a particular scripture, to attend a meeting, to listen to a specific message, or to seat under a particular minister.

These things determine whether you will serve your occasion fully or not.

FURTHER STUDY: Psalms 23:1, Matthew 16:3


As the helper, the Holy Spirit leads you to serve you. He is the shepherd who makes you lie down in green pastures and leads you besides still waters (Psalms 23:1). These waters [the experiences of the Spirit] and pastures [His Word] are for your sake.

PRAYER: Precious Holy Spirit I thank you for today. Thank you for the blessed assurance that you lead me to the places and opportunities where I serve my occasion. You lead me into the experiences of blessing, favor, multiplication and abundance. I submit to you in the knowledge that you lead to serve. Today, more than ever, I respond to even the slightest prompting from you. My spirit is alive to your instruction, voice, touch and faintest breath. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Apôtre Grace Lubega


1 Samuel 10: 6-7 (KJV) L’esprit de l’Eternel te saisira, tu prophétiseras avec eux, et tu seras changé en un autre homme. Lorsque ces signes auront eu pour toi leur accomplissement, fais ce que tu trouveras à faire, car Dieu est avec toi.

Si vous êtes vraiment conduit par le Saint-Esprit, vous ne devriez pas lutter dans les choses dans lesquelles Il vous conduit.

Par exemple, vous ne pouvez pas prétendre que le Saint-Esprit vous a conduit à un mariage, qui s’est avéré être un « lit d’épines » et un divorce conséquent.

Le Saint-Esprit ne peut pas vous mener à un travail qui devient un « fléau pour votre âme », ou une affaire qui va à l’épave.

En tant qu’assistant, le Saint-Esprit vous conduit à vous servir. Il est le berger qui vous fait allonger dans les verts pâturages et vous conduit à côté des eaux tranquilles (Psaumes 23:1).

Ces eaux [les expériences de l’Esprit] et les pâturages [Sa Parole] sont pour votre bien.

Dans notre écriture, le prophète Samuel dit à Saül : « Quand l’esprit viendra sur vous, vous prophétiserez et serez transformé en un autre homme. Quand ces signes viennent à vous, faites comme l’occasion vous sert pour que DIEU soit avec vous. »

Pour Saul, les signes précédaient l’occasion qui devait être servie. L’Esprit veut vous conduire à des expériences plus profondes et à de plus grandes profondeurs dans la Parole.

Avez-vous lu et compris les signes ? Il peut s’agir de la moindre incitation à prier, à étudier une écriture particulière, à assister à une réunion, à écouter un message spécifique ou à siéger sous un ministre particulier.

Ces choses déterminent si vous allez servir votre occasion pleinement ou non.

ÉTUDE COMPLÉMENTAIRE : Psaumes 23:1, Matthieu 16:3

PÉPITE D’OR : En tant qu’assistant, le Saint-Esprit vous conduit à vous servir. Il est le berger qui vous fait allonger dans les verts pâturages et vous conduit à côté des eaux tranquilles (Psaumes 23:1). Ces eaux [les expériences de l’Esprit] et les pâturages [Sa Parole] sont pour votre bien.

PRIÈRE : Précieux Saint-Esprit je te remercie pour aujourd’hui. Merci pour l’assurance bénie que tu m’as conduit vers les lieux et opportunités où je sers mon occasion. Tu me conduis dans les expériences de bénédiction, de faveur, de multiplication et d’abondance. Je te soumets dans la connaissance que tu conduis à servir. Aujourd’hui, plus que jamais, je réponds à la moindre sollicitation de ta part. Mon esprit est vivant à ton instruction, voix, contact et souffle le plus faible. Au nom de Jésus. Amen.



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Part The Waters!

Part The Waters!

Apostle Grace Lubega

Exodus 14:13-16 (KJV); And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will shew to you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen today, ye shall see them again no more for ever. The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace. And the Lord said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward: But lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it: and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea.

In life, you may find yourself caught between “a rock and a hard place.”

Circumstances may offer you the ultimatum of making a choice that is no choice at all.

Like the children of Israel, one day, you might get trapped between the Red Sea and Pharaoh’s advancing army.

What is a child of the Most High to do in such a scenario?

Moses’ instruction to the children of Israel in this situation was ill-advised. He encouraged them to “stand still and see the salvation of the LORD…”

It seemed like the brave thing to do. In fact, the Church of Christ has formed a doctrine of “faith in the face of adversity” based on Moses’ words.

We have even sung songs on standing still to see the salvation of the Lord.

GOD asked Moses, “Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward: But lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it: and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea.”

What sounded like great faith on Moses’ part was actually unbelief to GOD.

GOD wants you to lift your rod, separate the waters and move forward!

You are the kind who passes through water and does not drown; the kind who walks through fires and is not consumed (Isaiah 43:2). Hallelujah!

FURTHER STUDY: Isaiah 43:2, Hebrews 11:29


GOD wants you to lift your rod, separate the waters and move forward! You are the kind who passes through water and does not drown; the kind who walks through fires and is not consumed.

PRAYER: My great GOD I thank you. This day, my faith is built up with the confidence that there is nothing I cannot face. It doesn’t matter that there are Egyptians approaching. Like your Word has said, they are just men and their horses are puny flesh. The waters before me part at the sound of your Word and I walk through on dry ground. I refuse to be afraid! I refuse to look back. I launch out in faith and see your salvation. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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You Must Be Revealed

You Must Be Revealed

Apostle Grace Lubega

Luke 8:16-17 (KJV); No man, when he hath lighted a candle, covereth it with a vessel, or putteth it under a bed; but setteth it on a candlestick, that they which enter in may see the light. For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither anything hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.

Your spirit is the candle of the LORD (Proverbs 20:27). He lights you Himself and when He does, He does not put you under a bed but sets you on a candlestick.

What a profound truth! How then can you ever imagine that you will not be great in this world? How won’t kings come to the brightness of your rising? How won’t gentiles come to your light? (Isaiah 60:3).

For now, you may feel hidden; you might be tempted to question your significance in this vast cosmos, and assume that you are just another “tiny, momentary speck within an indifferent universe” but you are much more than that!

Nothing secret shall not be made manifest; nothing hidden shall not be known and brought abroad. You must be revealed!

The LORD makes His ministering servants flames of fire (Hebrews 1:7). Fire cannot be hidden.

Whatever has covered you is going to be burned because you must be revealed.

Every form of limitation, be it in knowledge or resources, that has kept you hidden is burned down because God seeks to reveal you. Hallelujah!

FURTHER STUDY: Matthew 5:14, Romans 8:19

Whatever has covered you is going to be burned by the flames you carry, because you must be revealed. Every form of limitation, be it in knowledge or resources, that has kept you hidden is burned down because God seeks to reveal you.

PRAYER: My great LORD, I thank you for this Word. I am the light of the world, a city set on a hill that cannot be hid. I am that burning and shining light whose sound echoes past desert places to towns, cities and nations. The flames of divine purpose and distinction have consumed me; how can I be normal? Every form of limitation is burned down by these fires; every restriction is destroyed by this glory. Nations hear me; continents hear me; the world hears me because what is manifesting out of me cannot be hidden. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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You Are The Salt Of The Earth

You Are The Salt Of The Earth

Apostle Grace Lubega

2 Kings 2:19-22 (KJV); And the men of the city said unto Elisha, Behold, I pray thee, the situation of this city is pleasant, as my lord seeth: but the water is naught, and the ground barren. And he said, Bring me a new cruse, and put salt therein. And they brought it to him. And he went forth unto the spring of the waters, and cast the salt in there, and said, Thus saith the Lord, I have healed these waters; there shall not be from thence any more death or barren land. So the waters were healed unto this day, according to the saying of Elisha which he spake.

Years ago, before we understood certain truths pertaining to who we are in GOD, we were fond of sprinkling salt in places either to “dispel demonic forces” or “cover ourselves with divine protection.”

After all, Elisha had done the same. Our theme scripture reveals that when he cast salt into the bitter waters of Jericho, both the waters and the barren land were healed.

The good news is that the New Testament has brought to light a deeper truth, hallelujah! The LORD declared, “Ye are the salt of the earth…” (Matthew 5:13).

It is you that brings restoration to that which is defiled and impure.

Child of GOD, the moment you set foot on a land that is struggling, it must be healed.

If you are hired by a business that is on a downward spiral, its status must take an upward trend because you are the “salt” of that business. Praise GOD!

FURTHER STUDY: Matthew 5:13, 2 Chronicles 13:5


Child of GOD, the moment you set foot on a land that is struggling, it must be healed. If you are hired by a business that is on a downward spiral, its status must take an upward trend because you are the “salt” of that business. Praise GOD!

PRAYER: My GOD I am grateful for who I am in you. Your Word has taught me to live this life as a victor and never a victim, as a solution and never a complainer. Today I walk in the understanding that I am the answer to the issues around me. That struggling business is waiting for me; that failing institution is waiting for me; the government is waiting for me. When I show up in places, things change. When I set my foot in any nation things start to get in order. I am the salt! I am the solution! I am the answer! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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A Distinctive Posterity

Apostle Grace Lubega

Genesis 1:11 (KJV); And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit AFTER HIS KIND, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

Have you ever wondered why there is often a particular pattern that follows some families under the adamic nature?

For example, if a parent had a terminal illness, sometimes this is passed onto some of the children; if the parent struggled with an addiction like substance abuse, some children will struggle with the same; if the parent struggled with building wealth, sometimes children find themselves shackled with the chains of poverty.

It is because there is a principle of the Spirit [rooted in the very law of creation] that “every seed produces after its own kind.”

Fortunately, when you got Born Again, GOD gave you the opportunity to redefine your posterity; that certain things your parents experienced, you and your children should never experience. If they struggled with finances, you and your children ought not to struggle with finances. If ministry was a terrible burden to them, it ought to be easy for you and your children.

In Isaiah 8:18, the LORD defines the nature of our posterity. He says, “Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion.”

You have a different lineage patterned by the faith of Abraham, the strength of Samson, the wealth of Solomon, the leadership graces on Moses, the valor of Gideon, the depth of Paul, the distinctions on Peter and the apostles and the anointing of the Christ.

The future of your children is defined by this divine DNA. Hallelujah!

FURTHER STUDY: Proverbs 22:6, Ephesians 3:14-15


You have a different lineage patterned by the faith of Abraham, the strength of Samson, the wealth of Solomon, the leadership graces on Moses, the valor of Gideon, the depth of Paul, the distinctions on Peter and the apostles and the anointing of the Christ.

PRAYER: My loving father, I know that if I cannot define my posterity, I can never leave a legacy. With this wisdom, you have taught me to raise my children in the paths that they should go with the assurance that they will not depart from it. By this knowledge, I direct them in the paths of greatness, of distinction and of standing out in their generation as signs and wonders. In their times, they will be the greatest of the greatest, influencers of influencers and history makers. It will be said of them that in their times, they demonstrated God; in their times they taught the world true wisdom; in their times they held nothing back for the sake of the gospel; in their times they loved God and served Him to the end. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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It’s Only Goat’s Blood

It’s Only Goat’s Blood

Apostle Grace Lubega

Gen 37:31-34 (KJV); And they took Joseph’s coat, and killed a kid of the goats, and dipped the coat in the blood; And they sent the coat of many colours, and they brought it to their father; and said, This have we found: know now whether it be thy son’s coat or no. And he knew it, and said, It is my son’s coat; an evil beast hath devoured him; Joseph is without doubt rent in pieces. And Jacob rent his clothes, and put sackcloth upon his loins, and mourned for his son many days.

The context of our theme scripture is that after Joseph’s brothers had sold him to certain Midianites, they dipped his coat of many colours in goat’s blood and showed it to his father.

When Jacob saw the coat, the Bible says “he knew it, and said, It is my son’s coat; an evil beast hath devoured him.”

Jacob concluded that his son was dead over the testimony of goat’s blood.

When you study the scriptures, you will realise that for twenty one years afterwards, right from the day Jacob admitted this truth in his spirit, he never heard the voice of God again.

God only spoke to him after his spirit revived and he acknowledged that Joseph his son was alive (Genesis 45:27-46:3).

Many Christians have beheld the testimony of goat’s blood and concluded that certain things in their lives were dead.

These conclusions shut out the clarity of God’s voice in their lives.

That sad doctor’s report is only goat’s blood. Don’t base on it to conclude that you are bound to die any time soon.

The rumours about laying off staff in your company should not drive you to the conclusion that you have lost your job.

Regardless of how convincing the evidence is, remind yourself that it is only goat’s blood. Hallelujah!

FURTHER STUDY: Genesis 45:27-46:3, 2 Corinthians 4:18


That sad doctor’s report is only goat’s blood. Don’t base on it to conclude that you are bound to die any time soon. The rumours about laying off staff in your company should not drive you to the conclusion that you have lost your job. Regardless of how convincing the evidence is, remind yourself that it is only goat’s blood.

PRAYER: Father, I am grateful for your Word. I behold the testimony of truth and not just facts. It doesn’t matter how the situation appears, my eyes are set on you and my heart is attentive to your blessed assurance. I believe your report above all else. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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That Fruit May Abound To Your Account

That Fruit May Abound To Your Account

Apostle Grace Lubega

1 Kings 17:12-15(KJV); And she said, As the Lord thy God liveth, I have not a cake, but an handful of meal in a barrel, and a little oil in a cruse: and, behold, I am gathering two sticks, that I may go in and dress it for me and my son, that we may eat it, and die. And Elijah said unto her, Fear not; go and do as thou hast said: but make me thereof a little cake first, and bring it unto me, and after make for thee and for thy son. For thus saith the Lord God of Israel, The barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruse of oil fail, until the day that the Lord sendeth rain upon the earth. And she went and did according to the saying of Elijah: and she, and he, and her house, did eat many days.

Our theme scripture has been used by some ministers of the gospel to “milk” some of their congregants of all their finances, leaving them bereft, frustrated and sometimes bitter.

What some ignore is the fact that Elijah had the anointing to multiply the little that the widow had.

The Bible says that after giving Elijah all that she had, her and her house ate for many days because the barrel of meal did not waste and the cruse of oil did not fail.

This is what Paul calls causing fruit to abound to your account.

In Philippians 4:17 (AMP) he says, “Not that I seek or am eager for [your gift], but I do seek and am eager for the fruit which increases to your credit [the harvest of blessing that is accumulating to your account].

This grace that causes fruit to abound to the account of others comes because the minister of the gospel also practices the principles of divine providence; he gives his tithe and first fruit, he gives to the cause of the gospel and his heart is open to the needs of others.

When a man of God practices these principles, he does not have to manipulate to be given. His source is God whom he serves faithfully. Hallelujah!

FURTHER STUDY: Philippians 4:17, Matthew 10:8


The grace that causes fruit to abound to the account of others comes because the minister of the gospel also practices the principles of divine providence; he gives his tithe and first fruit, he gives to the cause of the gospel and his heart is open to the needs of others.

PRAYER: Father, I thank you for this Word. Thank you because I give in wisdom. Blessing follows me because I understand the hows of divine providence. By this, I profit the kingdom to the glory of your name. Amen.

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The Rule Of The Mantle

The Rule Of The Mantle
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Apostle Grace Lubega

1 Kings 19:19-20(KJV); So he departed thence, and found Elisha the son of Shaphat, who was plowing with twelve yoke of oxen before him, and he with the twelfth: and Elijah passed by him, and cast his mantle upon him. And he left the oxen, and ran after Elijah, and said, Let me, I pray thee, kiss my father and my mother, and then I will follow thee. And he said unto him, Go back again: for what have I done to thee?

When Elijah cast his mantle on Elisha, he elevated him to a certain place in the spirit.

The mantle was not just a piece of cloth.

There were seven thousand other prophets hid by God. But Elijah was unique and on him was a special mantle.

Prophets in the Old Testament were not known to perform miracles; they were primarily seers.

However, Elijah (and Elisha his successor) demonstrated power; raising the dead, calling fire from heaven, stopping the rain, making axes to float and healing bitter waters.

God deliberately places them in the book of Kings because they functioned in a kingly and prophetic anointing.

After the impartation, Elisha could not be an ordinary prophet like the rest of his day.

The rule of the mantle was “follow me.” But notice that even after he cast this mantle, he moved on like nothing had happened because he needed to test the spirit of Elisha to know if he understood what had been cast upon him.

Later, Elijah refused Elisha to follow him three times! If Elisha had not understood the rule of the mantle, he would have gone back home sulking over having been rejected. But he pressed on and on.

Many people do not take the gospel seriously because they do not know what was cast on them.

An example is the person who refuses to come to church because they were denied an opportunity to lead worship or the man who ceases to pray simply because he was rebuked and chastised. You do not know what was cast upon you!

Deeper than this however, this mantle causes you to imitate your spiritual authority.

What makes Elijah the chariot of Israel? He was a man of prayer who truly knew the God before whom he stood.

If you must follow in his pattern, “Elisha,” you cannot afford to pray when you want, fast when you want, or study the Word when you want.

FURTHER STUDY:1 Corinthians 11:1, Hebrews 13:7


The rule of the mantle dictates that you imitate your spiritual authority. What makes Elijah the chariot of Israel? He was a man of prayer who truly knew the God before whom he stood. “Elisha”, if you must follow in his patterns, you cannot afford to pray when you want, fast when you want, or study the Word when you want.

PRAYER: Father, I thank you for your Word. I understand the rule of the mantle and the imitations of the Spirit that follow it. I take the gospel seriously and serve with all diligence and zeal. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Apôtre Grace Lubega


1 Rois 19:19-20(KJV) Elie partit de là, et il trouva Elisée, fils de Schaphath, qui labourait. Il y avait devant lui douze paires de bœufs, et il était avec la douzième. Elie s’approcha de lui, et il jeta sur lui son manteau. Elisée, quittant ses bœufs, courut après Elie, et dit : Laisse-moi embrasser mon père et ma mère, et je te suivrai. Elie lui répondit : Va, et reviens ; car pense à ce que je t’ai fait.

Quand Elie jeta son manteau sur Elisée, il l’éleva à un certain endroit dans l’esprit.

Le manteau n’était pas juste un morceau de tissu.

Il y avait sept mille autres prophètes cachés par Dieu. Mais Elie était unique et sur lui était un manteau spécial.

Les prophètes de l’Ancien Testament n’étaient pas connus pour faire des miracles ; ils étaient principalement voyants.

Cependant, Elie (et Elisée son successeur) a démontré son pouvoir; ressuscitant les morts, appelant le feu du ciel, arrêtant la pluie, faisant flotter des haches et guérissant les eaux amères.

Dieu les place délibérément dans le livre des Rois parce qu’ils ont fonctionné dans une onction royale et prophétique.

Après l’impartition, Elisée ne pouvait pas être un prophète ordinaire comme le reste de son temps.

La règle du manteau était « suis-moi ». Mais remarquez que même après avoir jeté ce manteau, il continua comme si rien ne s’était passé parce qu’il avait besoin de tester l’esprit d’Élisée pour savoir s’il comprenait ce qui lui avait été jeté.

Plus tard, Elie a refusé à Elisée de le suivre trois fois ! Si Élisée n’avait pas compris la règle du manteau, il serait retourné chez lui en boudant d’avoir été rejeté. Mais il a continué encore et encore.

Beaucoup de gens ne prennent pas l’évangile au sérieux parce qu’ils ne savent pas ce qui a été jeté sur eux.

Un exemple est la personne qui refuse de venir à l’église parce qu’on lui a refusé une occasion de diriger le culte ou l’homme qui cesse de prier simplement parce qu’il a été réprimandé et châtié. Vous ne savez pas ce qui vous a été jeté !

Plus profond que cela cependant, ce manteau vous fait imiter votre autorité spirituelle.

Qu’est-ce qui fait d’Elie le char d’Israël ? Il était un homme de prière qui connaissait vraiment le Dieu devant lequel il se tenait.

Si vous devez suivre son modèle, « Elisée », vous ne pouvez pas vous permettre de prier quand vous voulez, jeûnez quand vous voulez, ou étudiez la Parole quand vous voulez.

ÉTUDE COMPLÉMENTAIRE : 1 Corinthiens 11:1, Hébreux 13:7

PÉPITE D’OR : Ce manteau vous fait imiter votre autorité spirituelle. Qu’est-ce qui fait d’Elie le char d’Israël ? Il était un homme de prière qui connaissait vraiment le Dieu devant lequel il se tenait. « Elisée », si vous devez suivre son modèle, vous ne pouvez pas vous permettre de prier quand vous voulez, jeûnez quand vous voulez, ou étudiez la Parole quand vous voulez.

PRIÈRE : Père, je te remercie pour ta Parole. Je comprends la règle du manteau et les imitations de l’Esprit qui la suivent. Je prends l’évangile au sérieux et je sers avec diligence et zèle. Au nom de Jésus. Amen.

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The True Light

The True Light

Apostle Grace Lubega

John 1:9 (KJV); That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.

Jesus Christ is described by the scriptures as the true light.

When the Bible speaks of true light, it by implication means that there is a false light.

The Greek Word used for true in our theme scripture is “alethinos”, meaning, “that which has not only the name and resemblance but the real nature corresponding to the name, in every aspect corresponding to the idea signified by the name…”

In the world of spirits, light has a nature. This nature is the real essence of what makes light what it is.

The nature and radiance of true light is God because the scriptures say, “God is light.”

False light therefore is that which has a form of godliness (2 Timothy 3:5), but is without the power that should come with true light.

It seeks to be like God but it is not God.

FURTHER STUDY: 2 Corinthians 11:4, 2 Corinthians 4:6


In the world of spirits, light has a nature. This nature is the real essence of what makes light what it is. The nature and radiance of true light is God.

PRAYER: Father, I thank you for this wisdom, I understand the true light and can never be deceived. This true light is my nature and by it, I light the world with the knowledge of who you are. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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The Appearance Of Things

Apostle Grace Lubega

Songs of Solomon 2:12(KJV); The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land;

In our theme scripture, the Bible speaks of flowers appearing on the earth; it does not speak of flowers being planted and then they grow.

The use of this language is deliberate because in the mind of God, everything you see around you simply appeared: it was existent in a different realm before it was made visible in the physical realm.

In Hebrews 11:3, it says; Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

What this means is that the Word makes things appear.

As long as the earth remains, there shall be seed time (the Word) and harvest (Genesis 8:22).

You must know which Word to sow for anything that ought to appear.

If you want a big ministry, you must know which Word to sow to get a big ministry, if you want deliverance, you must know which Word to sow for deliverance.

You are a total sum of the words that you have sowed in your life.

FURTHER STUDY: Hebrews 11:3, Luke 8:11


You are a total sum of the words that you have sowed in your life.

PRAYER: Father, I thank you for this Word. I understand the principle of seed time and harvest. I know which word to plant in any given season. I am continuously causing things to appear because I am acquainted and learned in the operations of the creative abilities of the Word. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Making Venison

Making Venison
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Apostle Grace Lubega

Genesis 25:28 (KJV); And Isaac loved Esau, because he did eat of his venison: but Rebekah loved Jacob.

Isaac loved Esau for the sole reason that he knew how to cook venison in the way that his father liked it.

This is a unique aspect of Esau’s life that is instructive to us as believers on how to succeed in life.

Success awaits the man who knows how to “make venison.”

“Making venison” requires that you understand the preferences of those who have authority over you, whether at the work place, in the gospel or any other station where you serve.

If your boss is a hard man, study him, understand how he prefers his “venison.” If he wants his work at a specific time, endeavour to always work within his deadlines.

If your spiritual authority has a certain way in which he handles issues pertaining to the ministry, understand it and endeavour to work according to his mind-set.

When you learn how to make venison, you position yourself for blessing and promotion.

It will only be a matter of time before you are noticed for the principled and hard worker that you are. Hallelujah!

FURTHER STUDY: 1 Peter 2:18, Titus 2:9


Success awaits the man who knows how to “make venison.”“Making venison” requires that you understand the preferences of those who have authority over you, whether at the work place, in the gospel or any other station where you serve.

PRAYER: Father, I thank you for this instruction on the patterns of success. I know how to cook venison, I understand how to serve in all humility and diligence. I am a hard worker in all that I do even as your grace labours in me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Apôtre Grace Lubega


Genèse 25:28 (KJV) Isaac aimait Esaü, parce qu’il mangeait du gibier ; et Rebecca aimait Jacob.

Isaac aimait Esaü pour la seule raison qu’il savait préparer le gibier comme son père l’aimait.

C’est un aspect unique de la vie d’Esaü qui nous instruit en tant que croyants sur la façon de réussir dans la vie.

Le succès attend l’homme qui sait « préparer du gibier ».

« Préparer du gibier » exige que vous compreniez les préférences de ceux qui ont autorité sur vous, que ce soit sur le lieu de travail, dans l’évangile ou dans toute autre station où vous servez.

Si votre patron est un homme dur, étudiez-le, comprenez comment il préfère son « gibier ». S’il veut son travail à un moment précis, essayez de toujours travailler dans les délais impartis.

Si votre autorité spirituelle a une certaine manière de traiter les questions relatives au ministère, comprenez-le et efforcez-vous de travailler selon son état d’esprit.

Quand vous apprenez à faire de gibier, vous vous positionnez pour la bénédiction et la promotion.

Ce ne sera qu’une question de temps avant que vous soyez remarqué pour le travailleur de principe et dur que vous êtes. Alléluia !

ÉTUDE COMPLÉMENTAIRE : 1 Pierre 2:18, Tites 2:9

PÉPITE D’OR : Le succès attend l’homme qui sait « préparer du gibier ». « Préparer du gibier » exige que vous compreniez les préférences de ceux qui ont autorité sur vous, que ce soit sur le lieu de travail, dans l’évangile ou dans toute autre station où vous servez.

PRIÈRE : Père, je te remercie pour cette instruction sur les modèles de succès. Je sais cuisiner le gibier, je comprends comment servir en toute humilité et diligence. Je suis un travailleur acharné dans tout ce que je fais, même si ta grâce travaille en moi. Au nom de Jésus. Amen.

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Why We Preach The Grace: The Work Of Your Hands

Why We Preach The Grace: The Work Of Your Hands
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Apostle Grace Lubega

John 15:2 (KJV); Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.

Success has principles to it and regardless of whether a man understands the grace of God or not, he cannot disregard them.

Our theme scripture teaches that God prunes every branch that bears fruit.

It means that God does not tend to men who sit back and do nothing, He deals with and seeks to multiply those that bear fruit so that they may bear more fruit.

As a child of God, you ought to have something you do; be it a career, business or ministry.

Give God the opportunity to bless the works of your hands. If you do nothing with your hands, what do you expect?

The grace of God has given you a head start in every area of your life; it is there to labour through you so you shine.

If you dream to be a multimillionaire, you cannot afford to have a minimum wage ethic. Work and think like a multimillionaire. If you intend to be the world’s greatest preacher, you cannot afford to read your Bible or seek the face of God like an ordinary person. Pray and study the Word like the greatest preacher.

FURTHER STUDY: Proverbs 24:30, Proverbs 10:4


God does not tend to men who sit back and do nothing, He deals with and seeks to multiply those that bear fruit so that they may bear more fruit.

PRAYER: Father, I thank you for this wisdom, I labour under the grace in the understanding that it has given me great advantage. I bear fruit and great results in business, my career, my studies because of your divine enablement in me. This grace that labours mightily in me has set me apart from many in this world. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Apôtre Grace Lubega


Jean 15:2 (KJV) Tout sarment qui est en moi et qui ne porte pas de fruit, il le retranche; et tout sarment qui porte du fruit, il l’émonde, afin qu’il porte encore plus de fruit.

Le succès a des principes et peu importe si un homme comprend ou non la grâce de Dieu, il ne peut pas les ignorer.

Notre écriture enseigne que Dieu élague chaque branche qui porte du fruit.

Cela signifie que Dieu ne s’occupe pas des hommes qui restent assis et ne font rien, Il s’occupe et cherche à multiplier ceux qui portent du fruit afin qu’ils puissent porter plus de fruits.

En tant qu’enfant de Dieu, vous devriez avoir quelque chose que vous faites ; que ce soit une carrière, une entreprise ou un ministère.

Donne à Dieu l’opportunité de bénir les œuvres de tes mains. Si vous ne faites rien avec vos mains, qu’attendez-vous ?

La grâce de Dieu vous a donné une longueur d’avance dans tous les domaines de votre vie ; il est là pour travailler à travers vous afin que vous brillez.

Si vous rêvez d’être multimillionnaire, vous ne pouvez pas vous permettre d’avoir une éthique du salaire minimum. Travailler et penser comme un multimillionnaire. Si vous avez l’intention d’être le plus grand prêcheur du monde, vous ne pouvez pas vous permettre de lire votre Bible ou de chercher le visage de Dieu comme une personne ordinaire. Priez et étudiez la Parole comme le plus grand prêcheur.

ÉTUDE COMPLÉMENTAIRE : Proverbes 24:30, Proverbes 10:4

PÉPITE D’OR : Dieu ne s’occupe pas des hommes qui restent assis et ne font rien, Il s’occupe et cherche à multiplier ceux qui portent du fruit afin qu’ils puissent porter plus de fruits.

PRIÈRE : Père, je te remercie pour cette sagesse, je travaille sous la grâce dans la compréhension qu’elle m’a donné un grand avantage. Je porte des fruits et d’excellents résultats dans les affaires, ma carrière, mes études à cause de ton habileté divine en moi. Cette grâce qui travaille puissamment en moi m’a distingué de beaucoup dans ce monde. Au nom de Jésus. Amen.



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