Phaneroo Devotion

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It is only a man who knows his true state who can make an honest and pure prayer to God
If God does not by nature shame people imitate the Father by walking in love
If you trust God to teach you His Word through a man or woman of God 1 Thessalonians 2 13
God in His infinite wisdom has provided for those who have no proximity and access to what you hear every
If you are going to live life differently from the predictability that has crept into the body of Christ in
Never assume that something is too small to require divine direction Sometimes the smallest things create the biggest cracks After
If God is in a fire that fire cannot consume you If He is with you in the waters they
If God has not dealt with your heart to harden you to the sometimes hard realities that come with success
The blessing of the Lord makes us rich and adds no sorrow Sorrow is dealt with by God chastising and
As a minister of the gospel you will never understand how God works until you give yourself to serve men
It is a good and acceptable thing in the sight of the Lord for us to pray for our leaders
It is wise to seek God to reveal the heart of the person for whom you intercede because it will
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